Differentiated service
This is the first type of the outbound bandwidth policy that you can create on your operating system. Differentiated service divides your traffic into classes. To carry out a differentiated service policy, you need to determine how you want to classify your network traffic and how to handle the different classes.
- Prioritized classes: How to classify network traffic
Differentiated service identifies traffic as classes. The most common classes are defined using client IP addresses, application ports, server types, protocols, local IP addresses, and schedules. All the traffic that conforms to the same class is treated equally.
- Setting priorities: How to handle the classes
After the traffic is classified, differentiated service also requires a per-hop behavior to define how to handle the traffic.
- Traffic conditioners
To use quality of service (QoS) policies, network equipment (like routers and switches) must have the capability for traffic conditioners. Traffic conditioners refer to classifiers, meters, markers, shapers, and droppers.
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Related concepts
QoS sendmsg() API extensions Token bucket and bandwidth limits Class of service Scenario: Limiting browser traffic Scenario: Secure and predictable results (VPN and QoS)