System reference code A6005001, A6005004, and A6005007
These system reference codes (SRCs) might be displayed for twinaxial consoles.
A console resource (controller) was not found during a manual IPL.
A console device was not found during a manual IPL. A twinaxial controller was found but may not be used. This is only indicating the presence of a controller. It is not indicating the controller may be defective.
A console device was not found during a manual IPL. This SRC is also indicating the presence of hardware that may indicate another console type other than twinaxial or Operations Console (Direct) was found. An example would be the old async console, which is no longer supported. This is not indicating a failure of that hardware or that it is the intended console.
These SRCs, as well as the attention light, are reset when a console is detected and becomes active. If one of these SRCs exists for a long time, you might need to perform an IPL to try to find a console device, depending on many factors, including the model and the hardware present. You can force the system to try finding the console again by using function 21 from the control panel, remote control panel, or virtual control panel. You can also use the 65+21 functions to gather data or attempt recovery.
Parent topic:
Troubleshooting system reference code data