Operations Console cable requirements


You need to meet these cable requirements for supported models, cables and card locations.

Depending on your configuration, install a cable or card on the system. To connect your local console directly attached to the system, use the correct cables. To connect a local console on a network, you need a LAN adapter.

Supported cards and locations are only for nonpartitioned systems or primary partitions. Logical partitions can support additional adapters, especially in migration expansion units, based on the expansion unit's capability.

This table lists the Operations Console cards and cables that have available for your setup.

Table 1. Operations Console cards and cables
Model Feature code (card) Part number (cable)
9406 270, 8xx 2742, 2745, 2771, 2793 97H7557

The parallel cable attached RCP is no longer supported.

This table lists the adapter location for each model. You need an adapter if you are configuring a local console on a network.

Table 2. Card location
Model Operations Console direct connection (asynchronous) card location for the cable Operations Console (LAN) console card location
270 C07 C06, second C05
800, 810 C07 C06, second C05
820 C06 C04, second C03, third C11
825 C06 Integrated Ethernet Port, (C03, C02, C01 (1))
830, SB2 C02 C04, second C06, third C10
840, SB3 C02 C04, second C06, third C10
870, 890 C02 C04, C06, C07, C08, C09,

1 These locations will only be available if the Integrated Ethernet Port is not operational.


  1. If you are currently using electronic customer support, move the electronic customer support cabling to another communications port before trying to install Operations Console directly attached. You might need to reassign your ECS resources.

  2. The Console table only pertains to the primary or first partition. Any supported adapter might be used in a logical partition. There are cases where the multifunction IOP (MFIOP) might not support certain input/output adapter (IOA) types in a logical partition. When in doubt, contact your service representative.


Parent topic:

Verification of Operations Console requirements


Related reference

Scenario: A single console directly attached to the system with remote support
Operations Console hardware requirements
Installing an Operations Console cable