Viewing packet rules


Before you activate your filter rules, you need to verify that they are correct.

By viewing the filter rules you create, you can check for any visible errors. You might want to view your filter rules not only before activating and testing, but also before printing and backing up. Viewing your rules is not your only way of checking for errors. However, it is a useful way to minimize or remove the errors before testing.

You should print out the filter rules you create so that you can look over them. This enables you to catch any visible mistakes and verify that you included any previously created filter rules files you wanted to add.

Your system also has a verify function, but do not solely rely on it. You should take the necessary measures to ensure that you correct all the errors manually. This saves you valuable time and resources.

To view inactive rules, you need to open the rules file in the Packet Rules Editor.

If you want to edit your active filter rules, you should first view them to determine how you want to change them.

To view your currently active rules, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries™ Navigator, select your system > Network > IP Policies > Packet Rules.

  2. Select the interface for those active packet rules you want to view.

  3. View the list of active packet rules in the right pane.

You cannot edit the rules from within this dialog. You must deactivate your rules file and then use the Packet Rules Editor to edit your rules.


Parent topic:

Managing packet rules
Related tasks
Verifying packet rules Editing packet rules