Application registration on Local Settings


The Applications (Local Settings) dialog displays a list of iSeries™ Navigator and client applications.

The list includes applications that either have been registered on the i5/OS® operating system or are installed on the client PC and are available to be registered on the system. The dialog does not display host applications because host applications normally register their administrable function when you install them on the host system. You must install the application on your PC before you can register it on your system. After you register an application, any other PC running Application Administration can administer or remove the application's administrable functions from your system.

Application Administration organizes applications into the following categories for Local Settings:

Table 1. Application Administration categories for Local Settings
Category Description
iSeries Navigator This includes iSeries Navigator and any plug-ins. Example: Basic operations.
Client Applications This includes all other client applications that provide functions on clients that are administered through Application Administration. Example: iSeries Access for Windows®.
Host Applications This includes all the applications that reside entirely on your systems and that provide functions that are administered through Application Administration. Example: Backup, Recovery, and Media Services for i5/OS.


Parent topic:

Application registration
Related tasks
Registering applications for Application Administration (Local Settings)