Associating a modem with a line description


The topic demonstrates the steps for associating a modem with a line description.

  1. In iSeries™ Navigator, select your system and expand Network > Remote Access Services > Originator Connection Profiles or Receiver Connection Profiles.

  2. Select one of the following options:

  3. From the New Point-to-Point Profile Properties page, select the Connection tab, and click New.

  4. From New Line Properties window, click the Modem tab, and select the modem from the list. The selected modem will be associated with this line description. For internal modems, the appropriate modem definition should already be selected. For more information, see the online help.

You can configure originator connection profiles to borrow a PPP line and modem assigned to a receiver connection profile that is awaiting an incoming call. The originating connection will return the PPP line and modem to the receiver connection profile when the connection has ended. To enable this new function, select the Enable dynamic resource sharing option from the Modem tab of the PPP line configuration window. You can configure PPP lines from the Connection tab of Receiver and Originator Connection Profiles.


Parent topic:

Configuring your modem for PPP
Related tasks
Creating a connection profile