Saving system information


Use the Save system information (SAVSYSINF) command to perform a partial save of the data saved by the Save system (SAVSYS) command.

  1. The SAVSYSINF command increases the time and complexity it takes to recover your system.

  2. Do not use the SAVSYSINF command as a replacement for the SAVSYS command, and do not use it for a system upgrade or migration. You must have performed a successful SAVSYS before using this command.

  3. The SAVSYSINF command is only intended for customers who cannot bring their system to restricted state and take the necessary downtime it takes to perform a SAVSYS command. A SAVSYSINF should be considered a "partial" of a complete SAVSYS. During a complete system recovery the SAVSYSINF save will also need to be recovered along with the complete SAVSYS.

  4. If you are using the SAVSYSINF command in your backup strategy, the PTF save files must remain on the system until the next SAVSYS command is run. For the Restore System Information (RSTSYSINF) command to recover the system to the current state, SAVSYS requires the PTF save files for all operating system PTFs that have been applied after the last SAVSYS command was run. Do not run the Delete Program Temporary Fix (DLTPTF) command unless you run it just before or after the SAVSYS command. For more information see Clean up fixes.

*SAVSYS or *ALLOBJ special authority is required to use the SAVSYSINF command. You can not restore a SAVSYSINF to another existing system. You can use the SAVSYSINF for system recovery when you are recovering a system using the SAVSYS and SAVSYSINF media. The data saved by the SAVSYSINF is cumulative from the last SAVSYS.

When you save your system information by using the SAVSYSINF command, the system saves the following object types from QSYS:

Object types that are saved
1 objects changed since the last SAVSYS

Additional items that are saved include the following:

Additional items that are saved
System reply list Service attributes Environment variables
Most system values Network attributes PTFs applied since the last SAVSYS 1 for 5722SS1 2and 5722999 2
1 If you load PTFs, copy them into *SERVICE. This enables SAVSYSINF to find the save files of the PTFs. The Copy PTFs (CPYPTF) service attribute specifies whether to copy PTF save files into *SERVICE when PTFs are loaded from a tape or optical device. Use the CHGSRVA CPYPTF(*YES) command to change the service attribute on your system to copy PTF save files when loading PTFs from media.
2 SAVSYSINF will save PTFs for licensed programs 5722SS1 and 5722999 which were temporarily or permanently applied since the last SAVSYS. In addition, for loaded PTFs, the IPL action will be checked to determine if the PTF should be included. Loaded PTFs, scheduled to be applied at the next IPL, (IPL action 1 or 3) will be saved. PTFs scheduled to be removed at the next IPL, (IPL action 2 or 4) will not be saved.

Items that are not saved as part of SAVSYSINF command include the following:

Items that are not saved
Licensed Internal Code QSYS library System values that are not saved
Configuration objects (use the SAVCFG command) Security data (use the SAVSECDTA command)

The SAVSYSINF command may be incorporated into a save strategy once a base SAVSYS in restricted state is successful. IBM recommends that a save of the entire system including a SAVSYS be done in restricted state. This can be accomplished by performing a Go Save Option 21, a combination of an Option 22 and 23, or by using the equivalent functions within BRMS.

Once you have a base SAVSYS, you may perform some or all of these save commands to capture changed or updated information:

SAV OBJ(('/QIBM/ProdData')('/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData')) UPDHST(*YES)

These are other save commands that should be used on a daily basis to save user data:



This command saves the system information to the save file named SAVF in library QGPL. The save file will be cleared automatically. Information about what was saved will be written to the first member of the file name OUTPUT in library QGPL. The file and member will be created if they do not exist.


  • System values that are not saved
    Most system values are saved when you use the Save System Information (SAVSYSINF) command, or restored with the Restore System Information (RSTSYSINF) command. However, certain system values are not saved as part of the SAVSYSINF command.


Parent topic:

Saving system data and related user data

Related concepts
Saving your system while it is active