Directory information entries
This table describes the format of the directory entry output for the SAV and RST commands.
The Entry type value in the entry header determines if the entry associated with the header is a directory information entry.
For each field, an offset is specified in bytes. This offset is relative to the base address of the entry, or the beginning of the first field in the entry header.
Table 1. Directory information entry output–SAV and RST Commands Offset (bytes) Type (in bytes) Set in1 Field Decimal Hex 0 0 BINARY(8) S/R See the table in Entry header information for more format details. 8 8 BINARY(4) S/R Directory name offset 2 12 C BINARY(4) S/R Number of object links processed successfully in directory 16 10 BINARY(4) S/R Number of object links processed unsuccessful in directory 20 14 BINARY(4) S/R Starting volume identifier offset 3 24 18 BINARY(8) S/R Total size (in K) of object links processed successfully in directory 32 20 BINARY(4), UNSIGNED R Number of directory levels created by restore
1. Set by column. The following column values indicate which operations write the content of the field into the output:
Value Condition S Save operation set this field. R Restore operation set this field. S/R Either operation set this field. (blank) Not set by either operation. The associated field is set to zero for numeric fields, blank for character fields, or empty for variable-length character fields. 2. Format of directory identifier. You can find the start of the directory identifier using theDirectory identifier offset field. The directory identifier consists of a length followed by the directory name. The directory fields are not repeated.
BINARY(4) S/R Directory identifier length CHAR(*) S/R Directory identifier 3. Format of starting volume identifier. You can find the first entry using the Starting volume identifier offset field. The volume identifier consists of a length followed by the volume name. The volume fields are not repeated.
The system stores the directory name in UNICODE. For information on converting this name, see the documentation for the iconv API in the System API Reference topic.
BINARY(4) S/R Starting volume identifier length CHAR(*) S/R Starting volume identifier
Parent topic:
Interpreting output from save (SAV) and restore (RST)