Completing the SAVSTG process


When the last tape is complete and no errors have occurred, the tape automatically rewinds and a normal IPL occurs. You will then need to follow some specific steps to complete the process.

Do the following:

  1. The system updates the data area QSAVSTG in library QSYS to show the date and time of the save operation. Use the Display Object Description (DSPOBJD) command to display the date and time of the save storage operation.

  2. Ensure that the save operation completed successfully. Use the Display Log (DSPLOG) command to display the history (QHST) log:

    Or use the Display Message (DSPMSG) command to display the QSYSOPR messages:


    Look for a save storage completion message or diagnostic messages that indicate that the system could not read some sectors. If the system found any damaged sectors that it could not read, this means that your tapes may not be complete. If you use them to restore storage, the operation may fail. Contact your service representative for assistance. Then repeat the save storage operation.

This completes the save storage procedure. If you do not want the system to perform an automatic IPL, you can use an autostart job, which powers down the system.


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Saving storage for mirrored protection
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