Saving journals and journal receivers


This information describes the commands that you should use to save journals and journal receivers. It also contains some special considerations for you to keep in mind when using these commands.

Use the SAVOBJ, SAVCHGOBJ, SAV, or SAVLIB command to save journals and journal receivers that are in user libraries. Use the SAVSYS command to save the journals and journal receivers that are in the QSYS library.

You can save a journal or journal receiver even when you journal objects to it. The save operation always starts at the beginning of the journal receiver. If you save a journal receiver that is currently attached, you receive a diagnostic message.

If you specified MNGRCV(*USER) for a journal on the CRTJRN command or the CHGJRN command, save the detached receiver immediately after running the CHGJRN command.

If you specified MNGRCV(*SYSTEM), do one of the following:


Parent topic:

Saving user data in your system
Related information
Journal management