Choosing your save media


Learn about the different types of media that can be used for save and restore operations as well as which save and restore commands can be used with the different types of media.

Tape is the most common media that is used for save and restore operations. You can also save your user data and your system data to optical media.

The table below shows which save and restore commands support which types of media.

Table 1. Media Used with the Save Commands
Command Tape Virtual Tape Optical media Virtual Optical Save file
SAVSYS Yes Yes4 Yes1 Yes4 No
SAVCFG Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SAVSECDTA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SAVLIB Yes Yes Yes2 Yes Yes
SAVOBJ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SAVCHGOBJ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SAVDLO Yes Yes Yes3 Yes Yes
SAVLICPGM Yes Yes4 Yes1 Yes4 Yes
SAVSTG Yes No No No No
SAV Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SAVSYSINF Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


You cannot run this command on an optical media library device.


You can specify SAVLIB LIB(*ALLUSR), SAVLIB LIB(*IBM), or SAVLIB LIB(*NONSYS) when you use optical media. However, you need to initialize your optical media to the *UDF format. You cannot use optical media that you initialized to *HPOFS format.


You can save document library objects (DLO) from more than one auxiliary storage pool (ASP) to optical media with a single SAVDLO command. However, you need to initialize your optical media to the *UDF format. You cannot use optical media that you initialized to *HPOFS format.


In a disaster recovery situation have physical media of the Licensed Internal Code and the operating system to begin your recovery.

Optical media library devices allow you to archive information to optical media, and they provide backup and recovery capability similar to tape media. The Optical Support book provides more information about using optical media. If you want to substitute optical media for tape in some of your existing procedures, you need to evaluate how to assign saved objects to directories on the optical media and how to name the media.


Parent topic:

Preparing your media to save your system
Related reference
Optical media
Related information
Storage Solutions