Preventing a secondary logical partition from restarting during a system restart


When you select this option, the logical partition will not start when you perform a system (primary partition) restart or initial program load (IPL).

You can perform this procedure from iSeries™ Navigator. You need a Service Tools user profile with administration authority to the System Partitions function in Dedicated Service Tools (DST). To prevent a secondary logical partition from restarting during a system restart, follow these steps:

To prevent a secondary logical partition from restarting during a system restart using My Connections, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, expand My Connections or your active environment.

  2. Select the primary partition of the system.

  3. Expand Configuration and Service and select Logical Partitions.

  4. Right-click the logical partition and select Properties.

  5. Select the Options page.

  6. Deselect the Automatically restart when primary partition is restarted box to hold the logical partition from restarting during the system restart. Click Help if you need more information on this field.

  7. Click OK .

To prevent a secondary logical partition from restarting during a system restart using the service tools window, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, select My Connections or your active environment.

  2. Select Open iSeries Navigator service tools window in the Taskpad window. If the Taskpad window is not displayed, select View and select Taskpad.

  3. Enter the IP address of the service tool network interface to which you want to connect. Click OK.

  4. You will be prompted for your Service Tools User ID and password.

  5. Expand the system name select Logical Partitions.

  6. Right-click the logical partition and select Properties.

  7. Select the Options page.

  8. Deselect the Automatically restart when primary partition is restarted box to hold the logical partition from restarting during the system restart. Click Help if you need more information on this field.

  9. Click OK.

To prevent a secondary logical partition from restarting during a system restart using Management Central, follow these steps:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, expand Management Central.

  2. Expand Systems with Partitions.

  3. Select the physical system that has the logical partition with which you want to work.

  4. Right-click the logical partition and select Properties.

  5. Select the Options page.

  6. Deselect the Automatically restart when primary partition is restarted box to hold the logical partition from restarting during the system restart. Click Help if you need more information on this field.

  7. Click OK.


Parent topic:

Restarting and powering down a system with logical partitions

Related concepts
Restarting and powering down a system with logical partitions