Supporting Delivery Status Notification


If your users would like to receive messages on the delivery status of their outgoing mail, select the support of Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery Status Notification allows your mail clients to request to receive status messages when mail is delivered, relayed, or fails. If you want to allow your mail clients to make this request, enable Delivery Status Notification.

To support Delivery Status Notification...

  1. In iSeries™ Navigator, expand your system > Network > Servers > TCP/IP.

  2. Right-click SMTP and select Properties.

  3. Click the Additional Parameters page.

  4. Select the Support Delivery Status Notification (DSN) check box, and specify DSN notification Responsible Person address.

  5. Click OK.

  1. Using Delivery Status Notification takes up resources that can affect the maximum number of recipients on a piece of e-mail.

  2. You are only allowing Delivery Status Notification to be employed by your users. If users want to use the Delivery Status Notification function, they must set the parameters in their mail clients. The parameters vary from mail client to mail client.


Parent topic:

Managing e-mail