CCSID code page tagging for i5/OS files


New files created by File Transfer Protocol (FTP) on the i5/OS® operating system are tagged with a coded character set identifier (CCSID) or the code page of that CCSID. The CCSID code page tagging identifies the character data in the files.

When replacing or appending data to an existing file, the tag of the file is not changed.

The following table summarizes how FTP assigns these values for different file systems and transfer types.

Table 1. CCSID code page tagging for i5/OS files
Receiving file system Transfer type A (ASCII) Transfer transfer type C ('ccsid') Transfer type E (EBCDIC) Transfer type I (Image/Binary)
QSYS.LIB CCSID specified by the EBCDIC coded character set identifier for new database files (CRTCCSID) setting. 'ccsid' if EBCDIC CCSID. If ccsid is ASCII, then related default EBCDIC CCSID. 65535 65535
"root", QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT Default ASCII CCSID. 'ccsid' value specified in TYPE C ccsid# subcommand. Job CCSID if it is not 65535. If Job CCSID is 65535, assign Default Job CCSID. Default ASCII CCSID.

The default ASCII CCSID is defined when the FTP job is started: For the client, the CCSID parameter of the STRTCPFTP (and FTP) command. For the server, the CCSID parameter of the FTP Configuration attributes which can be changed using the CHGFTPA command. QFileSvr.400 file assignments depend on the file system receiving the file.


Parent topic:

Coded character set identifier conversions
Related reference
Transferring root, QOpenSys, QDLS, and QOPT files