Importing MyCo's local CA certificate into TheirCo's *SYSTEM certificate store
TheirCo's *SYSTEM certificate store contains a copy of most public certificate authority (CA) certificates. However, because MyCo's File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server uses a certificate from a local CA, TheirCo's FTP client must obtain a copy of the local CA certificate and import it into the *SYSTEM certificate store.
TheirCo uses these steps to import the local certificate authority certificate into the *SYSTEM certificate store and specify that it is a trusted source for certificates:
- In the DCM navigation frame, click Select a Certificate Store and select *SYSTEM as the certificate store to open.
- When the Certificate Store and Password page displays, provide the password that was specified for the certificate store when it was created,
and click Continue.
- After the navigation frame refreshes, select Manage Certificates to display a list of tasks.
- From the task list, select Import certificate.
- Select Certificate Authority (CA) as the certificate type and click Continue.
- Specify the fully qualified path and file name for the CA certificate file and click Continue. A message displays that either confirms that the import process succeeded or provide error information if the process failed.
Parent topic:
Configuration details