Format of application-specific information parameter


When the application identifier indicates the FTP server program, the application-specific information parameter has these field.

Offset Dec Offset Hex Type Field
0 0 BINARY(4) Initial name format
4 4 BINARY(4) Initial current working directory
8 8 BINARY(4) Initial file listing format
12 C BINARY(4) Control connection security mechanism
16 10 BINARY(4) Data connection encryption option
20 14 BINARY(2) Control connection ciphersuite
22 16 BINARY(2) Data connection cyphersuite


Field descriptions

Initial name format

Identifies the initial setting of the file name format for this session. When the exit program is called, the value of this field is set to correspond to the FTP server configuration file value specified by the NAMEFMT parameter. Valid values are:


Use the LIBRARY/FILE.MEMBER name format. This setting corresponds to the NAMEFMT(*LIB) option of the CHGFTPA command and is equivalent to specifying the SITE NAMEFMT 0 subcommand to the FTP server.


Use the path name format. This setting corresponds to the NAMEFMT(*PATH) option of the CHGFTPA command and is equivalent to specifying the SITE NAMEFMT 1 subcommand to the FTP server.

Initial current working directory

Identifies the initial setting of the FTP server current working directory, which is the default directory that is used for file and list operations. When the exit program is called, the value of this field is set to correspond to the FTP server configuration values specified by the CURDIR. Valid values are:


Use the current library as the initial FTP server current working directory. This setting corresponds to the CURDIR(*CURLIB) option of the CHGFTPA command.


Use the home directory as the initial FTP server current working directory. This setting corresponds to the CURDIR(*HOMEDIR) option of the CHGFTPA command.

If you set this field to 1, also set the initial name format field to 1.

Initial file list format

Identifies the initial setting of the file list format for this session. When the exit program is called, the value of this field is set to correspond to the FTP server configuration value that you specify with the LISTFMT parameter. Valid values are:


Use i5/OS® file list format. This setting corresponds to the LISTFMT(*DFT) option of the CHGFTPA command and is equivalent to specifying the SITE LISTFMT 0 subcommand to the FTP Server.


Use the UNIX® file list format. This setting corresponds to the LISTFMT(*UNIX) option of the CHGFTPA command and is equivalent to specifying the SITE LISTFMT 1 subcommand to the FTP server.

Control connection security mechanism

Identifies the security mechanism used on to control connection for this FTP session. Valid values are:


The control connection is not secured.


The control connection is secured using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL); the mechanism specified by the FTP client on the AUTH subcommand is TLS-P or SSL.


The control connection is secured using SSL; the mechanism specified by the client on the AUTH subcommand is TLS-C or TLS.

  • This field is input only to the exit program. Changes made by the exit program are ignored.

  • For sessions connecting to the secure FTP port, the value is set to 1. Connections to the secure FTP port act as if an implicit AUTH SSL subcommand has been sent to the FTP server.

Data connection encryption option

Specifies whether FTP data connections for this FTP session are to be encrypted. Valid values are:


Encryption of FTP data connections is not allowed for this FTP session.


Encryption of FTP data connections is allowed (but not required) for this FTP session.


Encryption of FTP data connections is required for this FTP session.

  • If the control connection security mechanism value is 1, setting the data connection encryption option to -1 will require additional FTP subcommands from the client to successfully transfer data. (The TLS-P or SSL security mechanism encrypts data connections by default.)

  • If the control connection security mechanism value is 2, setting the data connection encryption option to 1 will require additional FTP subcommands from the client to successfully transfer data. (The TLS-C or TLS security mechanism does not encrypt data connections by default.)

Control connection ciphersuite

Identifies the SSL ciphersuite used to encrypt on the control connection for this FTP session. Ciphersuite values are defined in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) APIs.

  • This field is input only to the exit program. Changes made by the exit program are ignored.

  • This value is valid only when the control connection security mechanism value is 1 or 2.

Data connection ciphersuite

Identifies the SSL ciphersuite used to encrypt data on data connection for this FTP session. When the exit program is called, this value is set to 0, which means to allow the secure sockets layer support negotiate the ciphersuite to be used. If the exit program changes this field, a valid ciphersuite value must be specified. Ciphersuite values are defined in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) APIs.

  • This field ignored if the control connection security mechanism is 0 or the data connection encryption option is -1.

  • Setting this field to a value other than 0 or the value specified in the control connection ciphersuite field might result in failure to perform an SSL handshake between the FTP server and the FTP client, because the specified ciphersuite might not be supported by the FTP client.
Related reference
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) APIs