Example: FTP Server Logon exit program in CL code


This is an example of a simple File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server Logon exit program. It is written in control language (CL).

The following code is not complete, but provides a starting point to help you create your own program.

By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

(Preformatted text in the following example will flow outside the frame.)

/*                                                                            */
/*    Example FTP server logon exit program.                                  */

This program is only an example and has not undergone any formal */ /* review or testing. */ /* */ /* Additional notes: */ /* 1. When the FTP server logon exit is called, the FTP server job is */ /* running under the QTCP user profile. */ /* 2. For the ANONYMOUS case, users can add logging capability (for */ /* example, write the E-mail address entered for the password and */ /* the client IP address to a log file). */ /* 3. IBM strongly recommends that you create the exit program in a library */ /* with *PUBLIC authority set to *EXCLUDE, and give the exit program */ /* itself a *PUBLIC authority of *EXCLUDE. The FTP server adopts */ /* authority when it is necessary to resolve and call the exit program. */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ TSTLOGCL: PGM PARM(&APPIDIN &USRIN &USRLENIN &AUTIN &AUTLENIN + &IPADDRIN &IPLENIN &RETCDOUT &USRPRFOUT &PASSWDOUT + &CURLIBOUT) /* Declare input parameters */ DCL VAR(&APPIDIN) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) /* Application identifier */ DCL VAR(&USRIN) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(999)/* User ID */ DCL VAR(&USRLENIN) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) /* Length of user ID */ DCL VAR(&AUTIN) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(999)/* Authentication string */ DCL VAR(&AUTLENIN) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) /* Length of auth. string */ DCL VAR(&IPADDRIN) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(15) /* Client IP address */ DCL VAR(&IPLENIN) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) /* IP address length */ DCL VAR(&RETCDOUT) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) /* return code (out) */ DCL VAR(&USRPRFOUT) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) /* user profile (out) */ DCL VAR(&PASSWDOUT) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) /* password (out) */ DCL VAR(&CURLIBOUT) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) /* current library (out) */ /* Declare local copies of parameters (in format usable by CL) */ DCL VAR(&APPID) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(1 0) DCL VAR(&USRLEN) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(5 0) DCL VAR(&AUTLEN) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(5 0) DCL VAR(&IPLEN) TYPE(*DEC) LEN(5 0) /* Assign input parameters to local copies */ CHGVAR VAR(&APPID) VALUE(%BINARY(&APPIDIN)) CHGVAR VAR(&USRLEN) VALUE(%BINARY(&USRLENIN)) CHGVAR VAR(&AUTLEN) VALUE(%BINARY(&AUTLENIN)) CHGVAR VAR(&IPLEN) VALUE(%BINARY(&IPLENIN)) /* Check for ANONYMOUS user. Allow for ANONYMOUSA, etc. as "regular" */ /* user profile. */ IF COND(&USRLEN = 9) THEN(DO) IF COND(%SST(&USRIN 1 9) = 'ANONYMOUS') THEN(DO) /* For anonymous user: want to force user profile ANONYMOUS current library to PUBLIC. */ CHGVAR VAR(%BINARY(&RETCDOUT)) VALUE(6) CHGVAR VAR(&USRPRFOUT) VALUE('ANONYMOUS ') CHGVAR VAR(&CURLIBOUT) VALUE('PUBLIC ') ENDDO /* Any other user: proceed with normal logon processing. */ ELSE CMD(CHGVAR VAR(%BINARY(&RETCDOUT)) VALUE(1)) ENDDO ELSE CMD(CHGVAR VAR(%BINARY(&RETCDOUT)) VALUE(1)) END: ENDPGM


Parent topic:

FTP server logon exit point