Example: CL program for submitting the FTPBATCH job


To schedule the file transfers and run them in unattended mode, create a CL program that submits the FTPBATCH job. In this example, the file transfers are to run the next Friday, 17:00 hour, in unattended mode.

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Figure 1. CL program for submitting batch FTP job
     Columns . . . :    1  71           Browse                     GERRYLIB/QCLSRC    
     SEU==>                                                              FTPSUBMIT    
     FMT **  ...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5...+... 6 ...+... 7     
            *************** Beginning of data*************************************    
    0001.00 PGM                                                                       
    0002.00              SBMJOB     CMD(CALLPGM(GERRYLIB/FTPBATCH)) +                 
    0003.00                           JOB(FTPFRIDAY)OUTQ(QUSRSYS/GERRYQ)    +         
    0004.00                           SCDDATE(*FRI)SCDTIME(170000) /* FTP for +       
    0005.00                           Friday, 5:00 in theafternoon */                 
    0006.00 ENDPGM                                                                    
            ****************** End of data****************************************    
     F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F9=Retrieve   F10=Cursor   F12=Cancel                     
     F16=Repeat find        F24=More keys                                             
                                             (C) COPYRIGHT IBMCORP. 1981, 1994.       


Parent topic:

Complex example: Batch FTP