Return codes for silent installations


To determine whether your silent installation was successful, look at the return codes in the log file. You specified the name and location of the log file when you started the silent installation.

If you receive a return code of 0, the installation was successful. If the return code was not 0, take any action necessary to resolve the problem. You can see additional information about failures in silent.txt in the target directory or in cwbsilent.txt in the windows directory (Windows® or Winnt), if the target directory is not yet set.

Return code Description
0 Success
-1 General error
-2 Invalid mode
-3 Required data not found in the Setup.iss file
-4 Not enough memory available
-5 File does not exist
-6 Cannot write to response file
-7 Unable to write to the log file
-8 Path to the InstallShield silent response file is not valid
-9 Not a valid list type (string or number)
-10 Data type is not valid
-11 Unknown error during set up
-12 Dialog boxes are out of order
-51 Cannot create the specified folder
-52 Cannot access the specified file or folder
-53 A selected option is not valid


Parent topic:

Performing a silent installation of iSeries Access for Windows
Previous topic: Starting a silent installation