Creating response files for iSeries Access for Windows installations


A response file records the selections made in response to the prompts in the installation process. During a silent installation, the setup program will use the response file to get the information necessary to complete the installation.

To create a response file, follow these steps:

  1. At the command line in the iSeries™ Access for Windows® installation image directory on a PC, type:
    setup -r -f1d:\dir\file.iss 
    to run an installation, and record the responses.

    • -f1 is an optional parameter used to indicate an alternate response file name. If you do not use this parameter, then setup.iss records all of the installation choices. Setup.iss resides in the Windows directory, for example, C:\Windows or C:\Winnt depending on your operating system.

    • d:\dir\ is the drive and directory where you want to create the response file. If you use the -f1 parameter, then specify the drive and directory along with the response file name that you want to create.
    • file.iss is the name of the response file that you want to create. The file extension must always be iss.

  2. Complete the setup program, providing the responses you want to use during the silent installations.

After the installation is complete, the iss file that is created will look somewhat like this:


Parent topic:

Performing a silent installation of iSeries Access for Windows