Ensure that the iSeries Access ODBC driver and the database server program are at matching code levels.
Check for PTF corequisite requirements on any PTF that you order or in the readme.txt file of the Service Pack. If problems continue, verify that you have disabled the prefetch option in the ODBC Data Source. The prefetch option should not be used if the application uses either the SQLExtendedFetch or SQLFetchScroll ODBC API, or if you are not sure.
Note that result set cursors from stored procedures are forward only, read only.
Binary or hexadecimal data instead of ASCII characters
The default value of the Translation parameter is set to not convert binary data (CCSID 65535) to text. A CCSID is attached to files, tables, and even fields (columns) to identify the conversion table that is used to convert the data. A CCSID of 65535 often identifies raw data (binary or hexadecimal), such as bitmapped graphics, that is language independent. Not selecting Convert binary data (CCSID 65535) to text ensures that the raw data is not damaged.
Setting the Translation parameter to Convert binary data (CCSID 65535) to text, changes the CCSID that is attached to the data to the CCSID that is attached to the job. This parameter setting can cause damage to the data, if the data is truly binary.