Host Servers port numbers


Each type of server has its own server daemon, which listens on a port for incoming iSeries Access for Windows client connection requests.

There are exceptions to this. For instance, the transfer function over sockets uses the database server daemon; the network drive server uses the file server daemon; and the virtual print server uses the network print server daemon. In addition, the server mapper daemon also listens on a specified port, and allows a client to obtain the current port number for a specified server.

Each of the server daemons listen on the port number that is provided in the service table for the specified service name. For example, the network print server daemon, with the initial configuration that is provided, listens on port number 8474, which is associated with service name 'as-netprt.' The server mapper daemon listens on the well-known port. The well-known server mapper port number is 449. The well-known port number is reserved for the exclusive use of the Host Servers. Therefore, the entry for the 'as-svrmap' service name should not be removed from the service table.

The port numbers for each server daemon are not fixed; the service table can be modified by using different port numbers if your installation requires such changes. You can change where the port number is retrieved from the System i Navigator system properties connection tab. However, the service name must remain the same as that shown in following tables. Otherwise, the server daemons cannot establish a socket to accept incoming requests for client connection.

If a new service table entry is added to identify a different port number for a service, any pre-existing service table entries for that service name should be removed. Removing these entries eliminates the duplication of the service name in the table and eliminates the possibility of unpredictable results when the server daemon starts.


Parent topic:

Establish client/server communications