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Prerequisite checklist

  1. Your System i product is current with...

  2. Read the Frequently Asked Questions at the Navigator service Web site.

  3. Use the QTIMZON system value to set the Java time zone for any system that is OS/400® V5R2 or earlier. This is because in any systems V5R3 or later the QTIMZON system value is used for the Java time zone.

  4. Load all clients with iSeries Navigator and the latest service packs. (The release of the client may be at a higher release than the central system.)

  5. Determine the IP address of all of the clients that you will be using.

    If the client has multiple IP address, it might be necessary to set the IP address to be used so that the central system can connect back to the PC.

    In such a situation, setting the value for QYPS_HOSTNAME in the MgmtCtrl.properties file will identify the IP address to be used. The following steps can help you decide which IP address will work. To do this use the IPCONFIG command from a DOS prompt. Write the addresses down for future reference.

    1. Confirm a valid connection from the PC to the central system. Use the ping command (ping xx.xx.xx.xx, where x=the IP address of the central system) on the PC.

    2. Run IPCONFIG from the command prompt on the PC and record all of the IP Addresses.

    3. From the central system, ping each IP Address.

    4. For the first IP address that works, create the file C:\MgmtCtrl.properties file and add this line: QYPS_HOSTNAME==<ip address on which you performed the ping>.

  6. If you are upgrading iSeries Navigator from a previous release, close all open iSeries Navigator windows that might be open and exit iSeries Navigator. Start iSeries Navigator and try to connect to the central system.


Parent topic:

Before you begin


Related information

Setting the time zone before upgrading
Setting the time zone (QTIMZON) system value