Management Central settings and options


If you are migrating from a release that is earlier than V5R3, you should note that the system environment variables were moved. This topic explains where you can find the client and server environment variables for systems running a release of V5R3 or later.






(SSL setup)










iSeries™ Navigator allows you to manage multiple systems from a single system in a TCP/IP network environment. Some aspects of your TCP/IP environment may require changes to your Management Central server configuration. For example, if you are using a firewall or if you want to use SSL encryption for Management Central server communications, you might need to change some of your Management Central server settings.

Table 1. Management Central settings set via iSeries Navigator
Name Description Values iSeries Navigator Field Name(Right-click Management Central > Properties > Connection tab)
QYPS_AUTORETRY Specifies whether to automatically restart monitors on failed systems. 0=No, 1=Yes Automatically restart monitors on failed systems
QYPS_COLLECTPTF_IFCHANGED Update fixes inventory only if changes have occurred 0 = NO, 1 = YES; 0 is the default When collecting inventory, only update when changes have occurred
QYPS_DNS IP address lookup frequency 0 = Never, 1 = Always, IP address lookup frequency
QYPS_MAX_CONTIMOUT Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to a system to be established 1 to 3600 (The default value is 180 seconds.) While connected to endpoint systems
QYPS_MAX_SOCKETS Maximum number of sockets that can be created on a system 200 (This is the default value.) Maximum connections
QYPS_MAXPTF_SIZE Maximum data transfer size -1 = No maximum size Maximum data transfer size (MB)
QYPS_RETRY_INTERVAL Specifies how often (in minutes) to attempt a monitor restart 5 (This is the default value.) How often to attempt restart
QYPS_RETRY_TIMEOUT Specifies how long (in minutes) to attempt a monitor restart 180 (This is the default value.) How long to attempt restart
QYPS_SOCKETTIMEOUT Maximum time (in seconds) to wait on a socket to return from a request 30 seconds (This is the default value.) When connecting to endpoint systems

Table 2. Management Central settings set via character-based interface
Name Description Values Use the character-based interface
QYIV_QUERY_MAX_SIZE Maximum number of records in the Inventory query 200  
QYPS_HOSTNAME The host name or IP address that you want the endpoints and the PC to connect to when they need to make a new connection back to the system.

If you use a host name, then you are relying on the endpoint or the PC to resolve the host name through their host table or DNS.

QYPS_LOCATION Library name where the Management Central databases are found QMGTC  
QYPS_LOCATION2 Second library name where the Management Central databases are found QMGTC2  
QYPS_ID_MAPPING_ONLY Indicates whether only the Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM) should be used for authentication 0=No, 1=Yes  
QYPS_MAXIMUM_PORT Used by BDT (Bulk Data Transfer) QYPSBDTSVR job . Minimum of range of port number to be used.    
QYPS_MINIMUM_PORT Used by BDT (Bulk Data Transfer) QYPSBDTSVR job . Minimum of range of port number to be used. Name of host server  
QYPS_TRACE C++ server tracing -1 to turn Off; or 0 to turn On  
QYPS_USE_ID_MAPPING Java™ server tracing -1 to turn Off; or 2 to turn On  
QYPSJ_CONNECT_INTERVAL How often (in seconds) to do the heartbeat to check connections. 60  
QYPSJ_PORT Port on which the Java server is listening to for incoming client requests 5544 (This is the default value.)  
QYPSJ_SAVF_RECORDS Maximum number of records in the Java save file 100  
QYPSJ_SYSTEM_ID User profile with all object authority User profile which the Java server runs as for certain tasks. This profile must have *SECOFR class authority. QSECOFR is the default, or you can specify the user profile name.  
QYPSJ_TOOLBOX_TRACE Indicates whether to turn Toolbox trace on 0=Off, 1=On  
QYPSSRV_PORT Port on which the C++ server is listening to for incoming client requests 5555. (This is the default value.)  
QYPSJ_TRACE Port on which the C__ server is listening to for incoming client requests Default 5555  

Table 3. Management Central settings set via iSeries Navigator
Name Description Values iSeries Navigator Field Name (Management Central > Right-click Endpoint Systems > Properties)
QYPS_DISC_LCLSUBNET Discover local subnet 0 = No, 1 = Yes  
QYPS_DISCOVERY_STARTUP Search every time the Management Central server starts 0 = No, 1 = Yes  
QYPS_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT Discovery timeout (in seconds) 15 (This is the default value.) Timeout (seconds)
QYPS_EARLIEST_RELEASE Earliest operating system release to search for V5R4M0, this is the default Earliest operating system release to search for
QYPS_FTP_DISCOVERY Run discovery using File Transfer Protocol 0 = No, 1 = Yes How to verify systems, FTP check box
QYPS_IP_DISCOVERY Run discovery using Internet Protocol 0 = No, 1 = Yes  
QYPS_SNMP_DISCOVERY Run discovery using Simple Network Mail Protocol 0 = No, 1 = Yes How to verify systems, SNMP check box

The following table contains Property file (/Qibm/UserData/OS400/Mgtc/Config/ settings that you might need to change in order to accommodate your system's needs. Unless it is otherwise indicated, use the character-based interface to make these changes.

Table 4. Management Central property file parameters
Parameter Description Values  
QYPS_SSL Turns the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on or off. 0 = Off, 1 = On iSeries Navigator Field Name(Right-click Management Central > Properties > Security tab) Field name = Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
QYPS_AUTH_LEVEL SSL authentication level. This value works with the QYPS_SSL. 0 = off (This is the default. It can only connect to a server without SSL), 1 = Sever Authentication on (This means it can connect to server with or without SSL.) iSeries Navigator (Right-click Management Central > Properties > Security tab) Field name = Authentication level
QYPS_USER_PASSWORD Require password on endpoint systems 0 = No, 1 = Yes iSeries Navigator (Right-click Management Central > Properties > Security tab) Field name = Use profile and password authentication
QYPSJ_SYSTEM_ID The user profile with which the Java Server runs as, for certain tasks QSECOFR (This is the default value.) You can also specify a user profile name, however its profile must have *SECOFR class authority.  


Parent topic:

Setting up the central system