Changing the central system setup
You can select a different system as your central system at any time. The central system must be a system to which you are directly connected. For the latest iSeries™ Navigator functions, your central system should be running i5/OS® Version 5, Release 4 (V5R4).
If your PC is running V5R2 or V5R3 iSeries Navigator, and you want to select a central system that is running OS/400® V5R1, have the following fixes (also known as PTFs) installed on the V5R1 system: SI01375, SI01376, SI01377, SI01378, and SI01838. Without these fixes, you will not be able to connect to the V5R1 system as a central system.
To change your central system, follow these steps:
After you have added endpoint systems and created system groups, those endpoint systems and system groups will appear under Management Central as well. Once you have set up your central system, you are ready to do the other tasks necessary for setting up Management Central.
- Right-click Management Central and select Change Central System.
- Use the Change Central System window to choose a system from your list of connected systems.
- If the system you want to use as your central system is not currently connected to your iSeries Navigator network, right-click your active environment (typically "My Connections" ) and choose Connection to Servers > Add connection. When the new system is connected, you can change your central system to the new system.
The central system that you use should be equal to or at a later release than the releases of the endpoints that are being used.
For more information about these and other Management Central tasks and topics, refer to the detailed task help that is available from the iSeries Navigator window. Click Help from the menu bar and select iSeries Navigator overview > Management Central.
Parent topic:
Setting up the central system