Validation list on HTTP Server




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This topic provides information about validation lists for limiting access to your HTTP Server for i5/OS.

Your system uses validation lists in conjunction with other resources to limit access to your server resources. Each validation list contains a list of Internet users and their passwords. Each Internet user has one valid password defined for it. An iSeries™ user profile is never created for the internet users.

A validation list is an AS/400 object of type *VLDL that stores user names and passwords or SSL certificates for use in access control. Validation lists are case-sensitive. Validation lists reside in iSeries libraries and are required when adding a user unless you are adding the user to a group file. If you enter a validation list that does not exist, the system will create it for you.

To create and delete validation lists, you can use the CL commands Create Validation List (CRTVLDL) and the Delete Validation List (DLTVLDL).

Validation list objects are available for all applications to use. For example, if an application requires a password, the application passwords can be stored in a validation list object rather than a database file. The application can use the validation list APIs to verify a user's password, which is encrypted, rather than the application performing the verification itself.


Parent topic:

Concepts of functions of HTTP Server