Common gateway interface (CGI) programs for the HTTP Server
In the IBM HTTP Server for i5/OS, Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard that defines how information is exchanged between a Web server and an external program (CGI program).
Information for this topic supports the latest PTF levels for HTTP Server for i5/OS . IBM recommends that you install the latest PTFs to upgrade to the latest level of the HTTP Server for i5/OS. Some of the topics documented here are not available prior to this update. See IBM Service for more information.
The functions and tasks that CGI programs can perform range from the simple to the very advanced and come in two different types, GGI script and gateway program. CGI scripts are used to perform simple tasks and do not require to be compiled. The more complex tasks are most commonly referred to as gateway programs. In general, both types are referred to as CGI programs.
Regardless of the type of CGI program, both are designed to handle dynamic information. Dynamic, in this context, refers to temporary information that is created for a one-time use and not stored as a static Web page. This information may be a document, an e-mail message, or the results of a conversion program. You must compile gateway programs before using them. Compiled programs typically run faster than programs that are written in scripting languages. On the other hand, those programs that are written in scripting languages tend to be easier to write, maintain, and debug.
The CGI specification dictates how CGI programs receive input and how output is produced. A common use of CGI programs is to process data that is received from browser clients. For example, the client fills out a form and sends the information back to the server. Then the server runs the CGI program. Programs that are called by the server must conform to the server CGI interface in order to run properly.
The administrator controls which CGI programs the system can run by using the server directives. The server recognizes a URL that contains a request for a CGI program, commonly called a CGI script. Depending on the server directives, the server calls that program on behalf of the client browser. The server supports CGI programs that are written in C++, REXX, ILE C, ILE RPG, and ILE COBOL. It also supports multi-thread CGI programs in all of these languages capable of multiple threads.
For detailed information about CGI APIs, see Application programming interfaces (APIs) for HTTP Server.
CGI and dynamic documents
There are many types of files that exist on the Web. Primarily they fall into one of the following catagories:
- images
- multimedia
- programs
- HTML documents
Servers break HTML documents into two distinct types:
- static
- dynamic
Static documents exist in non-changing source form on the web server. You should create Dynamic documents as temporary documents to satisfy a specific, individual request.
Consider the process of ″serving″ these two types of documents. Responding to requests for static documents is fairly simple. For example, Jill User accesses the Acme web server to get information on the Pro-Expert gas grill. She clicks on Products, then on Grills, and finally on Pro-Expert. Each time Jill clicks on a link, the web browser uses the URL that is attached to the link to request a specific document from the web server. The server responds by sending a copy of the document to Jill’s browser.
What if Jill decides that she wants to search through the information on the Acme web server for all documents that contain information on Acme grills? Such information could consist of news articles, press releases, price listings, and service agreements. This is a more difficult request to process. This is not a request for an existing document. Instead, it is a request for a dynamically generated list of documents that meet certain criteria. This is where CGI comes in.
CGI programs may be used to parse the request and search through the documents on your web server. You can also use it to create a list with hypertext links to each of the documents that contain the specified word or string.
Uses for CGI
HTML allows you to access resources on the Internet by using other protocols that are specified in the URL. Examples of such protocols are mailto, ftp, and news. If you code a link with mailto that is followed by an e-mail address, the link will result in a generic mail form.
What if you wanted your customers to provide specific information, such as how often they use the web? Or how they heard about your company? Rather than using the generic mailto form, you can create a form that asks these questions and more. You can then use a CGI program to interpret the information, include it in an e-mail message, and send it to the appropriate person.
You do not need to limit CGI programs to processing search requests and e-mail. You can use them for a wide variety of purposes. Basically, anytime you want to take input from the reader and generate a response, you can use a CGI program. The input may even be apparent to the reader. For example, many people want to know how many other people have visited their home page. You can create a CGI program that keeps track of the number of requests for your home page. This program can display the new total each time someone links to your home page.
For general information on CGI programs see .
Parent topic:
Common Gateway Interface