Adding or removing owners
Use this information to add or remove owners. Entry owners have complete permissions to perform any operation on an object. Entry owners can be explicit or propagated (inherited).
Enter the following information on the Owners tab:
- Select the Propagate owners check box to allow descendants without an explicitly defined owner to inherit from this entry. If the check box is not selected, descendant entries without an explicitly defined owner will inherit owner from a parent of this entry that has this option enabled.
- DN (Distinguished Name) - Enter the (DN) Distinguished name of the entity requesting access to perform operations on the selected entry, for example, cn=Marketing Group. Using cn=this with objects that propagate their ownership to other objects makes it easy to create a directory subtree in which every object is owned by itself.
- Type - Enter the Type of DN. For example, select access-id if the DN is a user.
To add an owner, click Add to add the DN in the DN (Distinguished Name) field to the list.
You can remove an owner in either of two ways:
- Select the radio button next to the owner's DN that you want to delete. Click Remove.
- Click Remove all to delete all owner DNs from the list.
Parent topic:
Access control list (ACL) tasks