Changing binary attributes


Use this information to import, export, or delete binary data.

If an attribute requires binary data, a Binary data button is displayed next to the attribute field. If the attribute has no data the field is blank. Because binary attributes cannot be displayed, if an attribute contains binary data, the field displays Binary Data - 1. If the attribute contains multiple values, the field displays as a drop-down list.

Click the Binary data button to work with binary attributes.

You can import, export, or delete binary data.

  1. To add binary data to the attribute:

    1. Click the Binary data button.

    2. Click Import.

    3. You can either enter the path name for the file you want or click Browse to locate and select the binary file.

    4. Click Submit file. A File uploaded message is displayed.

    5. Click Close. Binary Data - 1 is now displayed under Binary data entries.

    6. Repeat the import process for as many binary files as you want to add. The subsequent entries are listed as Binary Data - 2, Binary Data -3, and so on.

    7. When you are finished adding binary data, click OK.

  2. To export binary data:

    1. Click the Binary data button.

    2. Click Export.

    3. Click the link Binary data to download.

    4. Follow the directions of your wizard to either display the binary file or to save it to a new location.

    5. Click Close.

    6. Repeat the export process for as many binary files as you want to export.

    7. When you are finished exporting data, click OK.

  3. To delete binary data:

    1. Click the Binary data button.

    2. Check the binary data file you want to delete. Multiple files can be selected.

    3. Click Delete.

    4. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click OK. The binary data marked for deletion are removed from the list.

    5. When you are finished deleting data, click OK.

Binary attributes are only searchable for existence.


Parent topic:

Directory entry tasks