Adding supplier information to the new replica


Use this information to add supplier information to the new replica.

You need to change the replica's configuration to identify who is authorized to replicate changes to it, and add a referral to a master.

On the machine where you are creating the replica:

  1. Expand Replication management in the navigation area and click Manage replication properties.

    You must log into the Web administration tool as a projected OS/400® user with *ALLOBJ and *IOSYSCFG special authorities to change settings in the Manage replication properties panels.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select a supplier from the Replicated subtree drop-down menu or enter the name of the replicated subtree for which you want to configure supplier credentials. If you are editing supplier credentials, this field is not editable.

  4. Enter the replication bindDN. In this example, cn=any.

    You can use either of these two options, depending on your situation.

    • Set the replication bind DN (and password) and a default referral for all subtrees replicated to a server using the 'default credentials and referral'. This might be used when all subtrees are replicated from the same supplier.

    • Set the replication bind DN and password independently for each replicated subtree by adding supplier information for each subtree. This might be used when each subtree has a different supplier (that is, a different master server for each subtree).

  5. Depending on the type of credential, enter and confirm the credential password. (You previously recorded this for future use.)

    • Simple Bind - Specify the DN and password

    • Kerberos - If the credentials on the supplier do not identify the principal and password, that is, the server's own service principal is to be used, then the bind DN is ibm-kn=ldap/<yourservername@yourrealm>. If the credentials has a principal name such as <myprincipal@myrealm>, use that as the DN. In either case a password in not needed.

    • SSL w/ EXTERNAL bind - Specify the subject DN for the certificate and no password

    See Creating replication credentials.

  6. Click OK.

  7. You must restart the replica for the changes to take effect.

See Changing replication properties for additional information.

The replica is in a suspended state and no replication is occurring. After you have finished setting up your replication topology, click Manage queues, select the replica and click Suspend/resume to start replication. See Managing replication queues for more detailed information. The replica now receives updates from the master.


Parent topic:

Replication tasks