To tune your system's performance, you need to set up your initial tuning values, observe the system performance, review the values, and determine what to tune.
To begin tuning performance, first set initial tuning values by determining your initial machine and user pool sizes. Then, you can begin to observe the system performance.
Set initial tuning values
Setting initial tuning values includes the steps you take to initially configure the system pool sizes and activity levels to tune your system efficiently. The initial values are based on estimates; therefore, the estimates may require further tuning while the system is active. The following steps set the initial tuning values:
Tune the machine pool to under 10 faults/second.
Tune user pools so that the sum of faults for all user pools is less than the number of processors times the processors percent busy. For example, in a system with four processors running at 50 percent busy (4 * 50 = 200), you would set the faults to less than 200 faults/seconds.
Observe system performance
To observe the system performance, you can use the Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS), Work with Disk Status (WRKDSKSTS), and Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) commands. With each observation period, you should examine and evaluate the measurements of system performance against your performance goals.
Review performance
Once you have set good tuning values, you should periodically review them to ensure your system continues to do well. Ongoing tuning consists of observing aspects of system performance and adjusting to recommended guidelines.
To gather meaningful statistics, you should observe system performance during typical levels of activity. For example, statistics gathered while no jobs are running on the system are of little value in assessing system performance. If performance is not satisfactory in spite of your best efforts, you should evaluate the capabilities of your configuration. To meet your objectives, consider the following:
By applying one or more of these approaches, you should achieve your objectives. If, after a reasonable effort, you are still unable to meet your objectives, you should determine whether your objectives are realistic for the type of work you are doing.
Determine what to tune
If your system performance has degraded and needs tuning, you need to identify the source of the performance problem and make specific corrections.