Performance data files: QAPMSYS and QAPMSYSL


The QAPMSYS file is created when the performance monitor database files are migrated with the Convert Performance Data (CVTPFRDTA) command to a newer release.

Collection Services does not create this file. The QAMPSYSL file is provided for compatibility with the performance monitor and combines data from QAPMJSUM, QAPMSYSCPU, and QAPMSYSTEM files. This file is produced when all of these categories are requested from the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. This file contains system interval file entries.

The following terms are used in the field descriptions and are repeated for each group of jobs:

Users should note that blocked I/O is considered one I/O operation.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample interval. PD (7,0)
SYDPGF Directory page faults: Number of times a page of the auxiliary storage directory was transferred to main storage for a look-up or an allocation operation. PD (11,0)
SYAPGF Access group member page faults: Number of times a page of an object contained in an access group was transferred to main storage independently of the access group. This transfer occurs when the containing access group was purged, or because portions of the containing access group are displaced from main storage. PD (11,0)
SYMPGF Microcode page faults: Number of times a page of microcode was transferred to main storage. PD (11,0)
SYMCTR Microtask read operations: Number of transfers of one or more pages of data from auxiliary storage because of a microtask rather than a process. PD (11,0)
SYMCTW Microtask write operations: Number of transfers of one or more pages of data from main storage to auxiliary storage because of a microtask rather than a process. PD (11,0)
SYSASP System auxiliary storage pool space available: Number of bytes of space on auxiliary storage available for allocation in the system ASP that is not currently assigned to machine interface (MI) objects or internal machine functions. PD (15,0)
SYPRMW Permanent data transferred from main storage: Number of 512-byte blocks of permanent data transferred from main storage to the system ASP in auxiliary storage since the last sample. PD (11,0)
SYXSRW Reserved PD (11,0)
SYEAOT Reserved PD (11,0)
SYEAOL Reserved PD (11,0)
SYBSYC Reserved PD (11,0)
SYSIZC Size count: Total number of size exceptions. PD (11,0)
SYDECD Decimal data count: Total number of decimal data exceptions. PD (11,0)
SYSEZC Seize count: Total number of seize waits. PD (11,0)
SYSZWT Seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SYSYNL Synchronous lock conflict count. PD (11,0)
SYASYL Asynchronous lock conflict count. PD (11,0)
SYVFYC Verify count. PD (11,0)
SYAUTH Object authority checks. The number of times that authority was checked for objects. An authority check for one object can result in zero, one, or more than one user authority lookups that can be cached or noncached (see SYNUAL field description). PD (11,0)
SYCHNB Reserved PD (11,0)
SYEXPN Total number of exceptions. PD (11,0)
SYLRT1 Transactions in first response time monitor bracket: Total number of local workstation transactions with response time less than the value of boundary 1 specified on the Advanced Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection Services properties page within the i5/OS® interface. PD (9,0)
SYLRT2 Transactions in second response time monitor bracket: Total number of local workstation transactions with response time less than the value of boundary 2 and greater than the value of boundary 1 specified on the Advanced Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection Services properties page within the i5/OS interface. PD (9,0)
SYLRT3 Transactions in third response time monitor bracket: Total number of local workstation transactions with response time less than the value of boundary 3 and greater than the value of boundary 2 specified on the Advanced Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection Services properties page within the i5/OS interface. PD (9,0)
SYLRT4 Transactions in fourth response time monitor bracket: Total number of local workstation transactions with response time less than the value of boundary 4 and greater than the value of boundary 3 specified on the Advanced Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection Services properties page within the i5/OS interface. PD (9,0)
SYLRT5 Transactions in fifth response time monitor bracket: Total number of local workstation transactions with response time greater than the value of boundary 4 specified on the Advanced Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection Services properties page within the i5/OS interface. PD (9,0)
SDCPU Total processing unit time used (in milliseconds) by target distributed data management (DDM) job. PD (11,0)
SDRES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SDRES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SDPRTL Total number of print lines of all target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDPRTP Total number of print pages of all target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDSPD Total count of suspended time of target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDRRT Total count of time a target DDM job waited during rerouting. PD (11,0)
SDNEW Number of new target DDM job. PD (11,0)
SDTERM Number of ended target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDJBCT Number of DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDPDBR Total number of physical synchronous database reads by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDPNDB Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase reads by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDPWRT Total number of physical synchronous database and nondatabase writes by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDLDBR Total number of logical database reads by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDLDBW Total number of logical database writes by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDLDBU Total number of miscellaneous database operations by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDCMPT Total number of communications writes by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDCMGT Total number of communications reads by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SDPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SDNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDDBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDPW Number of permanent writes by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SDPAGF Number of PAG faults. Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to by target DDM jobs, but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
SDEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SDOBIN Number of binary overflows by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDODEC Number of decimal overflows by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDOFLP Number of floating point overflows by target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDIPF Number of times a target distributed data management (DDM) job had a page fault on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
SDWIO Number of times a target distributed data management (DDM) job explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
SDSKSC DDM number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SDSKBS DDM number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SDSKRC DDM number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SDSKBR DDM number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
SDXRFR DDM stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SDXRFW DDM stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SDXSLR DDM file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SDXDYR DDM file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SDDLCH DDM file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SDDLCM DDM file system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
SDSZWT DDM seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SWCPU Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by iSeries™ Access Family applications. PD (11,0)
SWRES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SWRES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SWPRTL Total number of print lines of all iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWPRTP Total number of print pages of all iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWSPD Total time iSeries Access application jobs were suspended. PD (11,0)
SWRRT Total time a iSeries Access applications job waited during rerouting. PD (11,0)
SWNEW Number of started iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWTERM Number of ended iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWJBCT Number of iSeries Access jobs. PD (11,0)
SWPDBR Total number of physical synchronous database reads by iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWPNDB Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase reads by iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWPWRT Total number of physical synchronous database and nondatabase writes by iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWLDBR Total number of logical database reads by iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWLDBW Total number of logical database writes by iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWLDBU Total number of miscellaneous database operations by iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWCMPT Total number of communications writes by iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWCMGT Total number of communications reads by iSeries Access application jobs. PD (11,0)
SWBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SWPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SWNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by iSeries Access applications. PD (11,0)
SWDBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions by iSeries Access applications. PD (11,0)
SWANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by iSeries Access applications. PD (11,0)
SWADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions by iSeries Access applications. PD (11,0)
SWANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions by iSeries Access applications. PD (11,0)
SWADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions by iSeries Access applications. PD (11,0)
SWPW Number of permanent writes by iSeries Access applications. PD (11,0)
SWCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SWPAGF Number of PAG faults. Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to by iSeries Access applications, but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
SWEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SWOBIN Number of binary overflows by iSeries Access applications. PD (11,0)
SWODEC Number of decimal overflows by iSeries Access applications. PD (11,0)
SWOFLP Number of floating point overflows by iSeries Access applications. PD (11,0)
SWIPF Number of times a iSeries Access application job had a page fault on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
SWWIO Number of times a iSeries Access application job explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
SWSKSC iSeries Access number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SWSKBS iSeries Access number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SWSKRC iSeries Access number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SWSKBR iSeries Access number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
SWXRFR iSeries Access stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SWXRFW iSeries Access stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SWXSLR iSeries Access file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SWXDYR iSeries Access file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SWDLCH iSeries Access file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SWDLCM iSeries Access file system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
SWSZWT iSeries Access seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SPCPU Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPRES1 Total transaction time by pass-through target jobs. PD (15,3)
SPRES2 Total number of transactions by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPPRTL Total number of print lines of all pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPPRTP Total number of print pages of all pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPSPD Total count of suspended time of pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPRRT Total count of time a pass-through target job waited during rerouting. PD (11,0)
SPNEW Number of started pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPTERM Number of ended pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPJBCT Number of pass-through jobs. PD (11,0)
SPPDBR Total number of physical synchronous database reads by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPPNDB Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase reads by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPPWRT Total number of physical synchronous database and nondatabase writes by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPLDBR Total number of logical database reads by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPLDBW Total number of logical database writes by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPLDBU Total number of miscellaneous database operations by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPCMPT Total number of communications writes by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPCMGT Total number of communications reads by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SPPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SPNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPDBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPPW Number of permanent writes by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SPPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to by pass-through target jobs, but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
SPEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SPOBIN Number of binary overflows by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPODEC Number of decimal overflows by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPOFLP Number of floating point overflows by pass-through target jobs. PD (11,0)
SPIPF Number of times a pass-through target job had a page fault on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
SPWIO Number of times a pass-through target job explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
SPSKSC Passthrough number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SPSKBS Passthrough number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SPSKRC Passthrough number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SPSKBR Passthrough number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
SPXRFR Passthrough stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SPXRFW Passthrough stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SPXSLR Passthrough file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SPXDYR Passthrough file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SPDLCH Passthrough file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SPDLCM Passthrough file system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
SPSZWT Passthrough seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SMCPU Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by multiple requester terminal (MRT) jobs (System/36™ environment only). PD (11,0)
SMRES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SMRES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SMPRTL Total number of print lines of all MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMPRTP Total number of print pages of all MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMSPD Total time MRT jobs (System/36 environment only) were suspended. PD (11,0)
SMRRT Total time a MRT job (System/36 environment only) waited during rerouting. PD (11,0)
SMNEW Number of started MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMTERM Number of ended MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMJBCT Number of MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMPDBR Total number of physical synchronous database reads by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMPNDB Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase reads by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMPWRT Total number of physical synchronous database and nondatabase writes by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMLDBR Total number of logical database reads by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMLDBW Total number of logical database writes by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMLDBU Total number of miscellaneous database operations by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMCMPT Total number of communications writes by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMCMGT Total number of communications reads by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SMPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SMNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMDBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMPW Number of permanent writes by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SMPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only), but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
SMEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SMOBIN Number of binary overflows by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMODEC Number of decimal overflows by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMOFLP Number of floating point overflows by MRT jobs (System/36 environment only). PD (11,0)
SMIPF Number of times a MRT job (System/36 environment only) had a page fault on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
SMWIO Number of times a MRT job (System/36 environment only) explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
SMSKSC MRTS Number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SMSKBS MRTS Number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SMSKRC MRTS Number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SMSKBR MRTS Number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
SMXRFR MRTS stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SMXRFW MRTS stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SMXSLR MRTS file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SMXDYR MRTS file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SMDLCH MRTS file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SMDLCM MRTS file system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
SMSZWT MRTS seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
S6CPU Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6TRNT Total response time. PD (15,3)
S6TRNS Number of transactions. PD (11,0)
S6PRTL Total number of print lines of all System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6PRTP Total number of print pages of all System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6SPD Total time System/36 environment jobs were suspended. PD (11,0)
S6RRT Total time a System/36 environment job waited during rerouting. PD (11,0)
S6NEW Number of started System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6TERM Number of ended System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6JBCT Number of System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6PDBR Total number of physical synchronous database reads by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6PNDB Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase reads by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6PWRT Total number of physical synchronous database and nondatabase writes by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6LDBR Total number of logical database reads by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6LDBW Total number of logical database writes by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6LDBU Total number of miscellaneous database operations by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6CMPT Total number of communications writes by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6CMGT Total number of communications reads by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6BRG Reserved PD (11,0)
S6PRG Reserved PD (11,0)
S6NDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6DBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6ANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6ADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6ANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6ADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6PW Number of permanent writes by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6CS Reserved PD (11,0)
S6PAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to by System/36 environment jobs, but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
S6EAO Reserved PD (11,0)
S6OBIN Number of binary overflows by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6ODEC Number of decimal overflows by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6OFLP Number of floating point overflows by System/36 environment jobs. PD (11,0)
S6IPF Number of times a System/36 environment job had a page fault on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
S6WIO Number of times a System/36 environment job explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
S6SKSC S36E number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
S6SKBS S36E number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
S6SKRC S36E number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
S6SKBR S36E number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
S6XRFR S36E file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
S6XRFW S36E file system directory writes. PD (11,0)
S6XSLR S36E file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
S6XDYR S36E directory stream file reads. PD (11,0)
S6DLCH S36E file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
S6DLCM S36E file system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
S6SZWT S36E seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SECPU Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SERES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SERES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SEPRTL Total number of print lines of all communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEPRTP Total number of print pages of all communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SESPD Total time communications batch jobs were suspended. PD (11,0)
SERRT Total time a communications batch job waited during rerouting. PD (11,0)
SENEW Number of started communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SETERM Number of ended communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEJBCT Number of communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEPDBR Total number of physical synchronous database reads by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEPNDB Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase reads by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEPWRT Total number of physical synchronous database and nondatabase writes by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SELDBR Total number of logical database reads by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SELDBW Total number of logical database writes by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SELDBU Total number of miscellaneous database operations by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SECMPT Total number of communications writes by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SECMGT Total number of communications reads by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SEPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SENDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEDBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEPW Number of permanent writes by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SECS Reserved PD (11,0)
SEPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to by communications batch jobs, but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
SEEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SEOBIN Number of binary overflows by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEODEC Number of decimal overflows by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEOFLP Number of floating point overflows by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SEIPF Number of times a communications batch job had a page fault on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
SEWIO Number of times a communications batch job explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
SESKSC Evoke number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SESKBS Evoke number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SESKRC Evoke number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SESKBR Evoke number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
SEXRFR Evoke file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SEXRFW Evoke file system stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SEXSLR Evoke file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SEXDYR Evoke stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SEDLCH Evoke file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SEDLCM Evoke file system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
SESZWT Evoke seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SACPU Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SARES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SARES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SAPRTL Total number of print lines of all autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAPRTP Total number of print pages of all autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SASPD Total time autostart jobs were suspended. PD (11,0)
SARRT Total time an autostart job waited during rerouting. PD (11,0)
SANEW Number of started autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SATERM Number of ended autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAJBCT Number of autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAPDBR Total number of physical synchronous database reads by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAPNDB Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase reads by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAPWRT Total number of physical synchronous database and nondatabase writes by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SALDBR Total number of logical database reads by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SALDBW Total number of logical database writes by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SALDBU Total number of miscellaneous database operations by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SACMPT Total number of communications writes by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SACMGT Total number of communications reads by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SABRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SAPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SANDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by communications batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SADBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAPW Number of permanent writes by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SACS Reserved PD (11,0)
SAPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to by autostart jobs, but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
SAEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SAOBIN Number of binary overflows by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAODEC Number of decimal overflows by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAOFLP Number of floating point overflows by autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAIPF Number of times an autostart job had a page fault on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
SAWIO Number of times an autostart job explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
SASKSC Autostart number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SASKBS Autostart number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SASKRC Autostart number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SASKBR Autostart number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
SAXRFR Autostart stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SAXRFW Autostart stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SAXSLR Autostart file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SAXDYR Autostart file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SADLCH Autostart file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SADLCM Autostart file system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
SASZWT Autostart seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SBCPU Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBRES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SBRES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SBPRTL Total number of print lines of all batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBPRTP Total number of print pages of all batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBSPD Total time batch jobs were suspended. PD (11,0)
SBRRT Total time a batch job waited during rerouting. PD (11,0)
SBNEW Number of started batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBTERM Number of ended batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBJBCT Number of batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBPDBR Total number of physical synchronous database reads by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBPNDB Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase reads by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBPWRT Total number of physical synchronous database and nondatabase writes by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBLDBR Total number of logical database reads by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBLDBW Total number of logical database writes by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBLDBU Total number of miscellaneous database operations by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBCMPT Total number of communications writes by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBCMGT Total number of communications reads by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SBPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SBNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBDBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for database functions by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBPW Number of permanent writes by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SBPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to by batch jobs, but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
SBEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SBOBIN Number of binary overflows by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBODEC Number of decimal overflows by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBOFLP Number of floating point overflows by batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBIPF Number of times a batch job had a page fault on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
SBWIO Number of times a batch job explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
SBSKSC Batch number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SBSKBS Batch number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
SBSKRC Batch number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SBSKBR Batch number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
SBXRFR Batch stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SBXRFW Batch stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SBXSLR Batch file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SBXDYR Batch file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SBDLCH Batch file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SBDLCM Batch file system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
SBSZWT Batch seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SICPU Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SITRNT Total transaction time by interactive jobs. PD (15,3)
SITRNS Total number of transactions by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIPRTL Total number of print lines of all interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIPRTP Total number of print pages of all interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SISPD Total time interactive jobs were suspended. PD (11,0)
SIRRT Total time an interactive job waited during rerouting. PD (11,0)
SINEW Number of started interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SITERM Number of ended interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIJBCT Number of interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIPDBR Total number of physical synchronous database reads by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIPNDB Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase reads by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIPWRT Total number of physical synchronous database and nondatabase writes by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SILDBR Total number of logical database reads by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SILDBW Total number of logical database writes by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SILDBU Total number of miscellaneous database operations by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SICMPT Total number of communications writes by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SICMGT Total number of communications reads by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SIPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SINDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIDBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIPW Number of permanent writes by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SICS Reserved PD (11,0)
SIPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to by interactive jobs but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
SIEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SIOBIN Number of binary overflows by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIODEC Number of decimal overflows interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIOFLP Number of floating point overflows by interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIIPF Number of times an interactive job had a page fault on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
SIWIO Number of times an interactive job explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
SISKSC Interactive number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SISKBS Interactive number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SISKRC Interactive number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SISKBR Interactive number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
SIXRFR Interactive stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SIXRFW Interactive stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SIXSLR Interactive file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SIXDYR Interactive file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SIDLCH Interactive file lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SIDLCM Interactive file lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
SISZWT Interactive seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SXCPU Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by the start CPF (SCPF) job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXRES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SXRES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SXPRTL Total number of print lines of the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXPRTP Total number of print pages of the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXSPD Total time the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs were suspended. PD (11,0)
SXRRT Total time the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs waited during rerouting. PD (11,0)
SXNEW Number of started SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXTERM Number of ended SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXJBCT Number of SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXPDBR Total number of physical synchronous database reads by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXPNDB Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase reads by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXPWRT Total number of physical synchronous database and nondatabase writes by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXLDBR Total number of logical database reads by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXLDBW Total number of logical database writes by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXLDBU Total number of miscellaneous database operations by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXCMPT Total number of communications writes by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXCMGT Total number of communications reads by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SXPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SXNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXDBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for database functions by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXPW Number of permanent writes by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SXPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs, but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
SXEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SXOBIN Number of binary overflows by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXODEC Number of decimal overflows by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXOFLP Number of floating point overflows by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer jobs. PD (11,0)
SXIPF Number of times the SCPF job or spool reader or spool writer job had a page fault on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
SXWIO Number of times the SCPF job or spool reader or spool writer job explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
SXSKSC Spool number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SXSKBS Spool number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SXSKRC Spool number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SXSKBR Spool number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
SXXRFR Spool stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SXXRFW Spool stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SXXSLR Spool file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SXXDYR Spool file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SXXDLCH Spool file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SXXDLCM Spool file system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
SXSZWT Spool seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SHCPU Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by microcode/system jobs. PD (11,0)
SMPLP Machine pool paging: Number of pages transferred in and out of machine pool. PD (11,0)
SMUPL Highest user pool paging: Highest number of pages transferred in and out of any user pool. PD (11,0)
SUPLI Pool with highest paging: Pool number with highest number of pages transferred in and out. C (2)
SMXDU Maximum disk utilization. The largest utilization of all single path disk units and all paths of multipath disk units. PD (11,0)
SMXDUI Actuator with maximum utilization. C (4)
SMMMT Time (in seconds) spent at MRTMAX by all MRT requests. PD (11,0)
SMME Number of requesters that routed to a MRT. PD (11,0)
SYFOPN Number of full opens system wide. PD (11,0)
SYIXRB Number of index rebuilds system wide. PD (11,0)
SYJOXR Start journal operations initiated by user. PD (11,0)
SYJOXP Stop journal operations initiated by user. PD (11,0)
SYJOIR Start journal operations initiated by system. PD (11,0)
SYJOIP Stop journal operations initiated by system. PD (11,0)
SYJOXD Journal deposits resulting from user-journaled objects. PD (11,0)
SYJOID Journal deposits resulting from system-journaled objects. PD (11,0)
SYJOJP Journal deposits resulting from system-journaled objects to user-created journals. PD (11,0)
SYJOBJ Bundle writes to user-created journals. PD (11,0)
SYJOBD Bundle writes to internal system journals. PD (11,0)
SYJOJY Exposed access paths currently being journaled by the system. PD (11,0)
SYJOJN Exposed access paths currently not being journaled. PD (11,0)
SYJOSE System-estimated access path recovery time exposure in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SYJORT System-managed access path tuning adjustments. PD (11,0)
SYJOND System-estimated access path recovery time exposure in milliseconds if no access paths were being journaled by the system. PD (11,0)
SYSCPU Total processing time (in milliseconds) used by the first (or only) processing unit. PD (9,0)
SYCPU2....4 Total processing time (in milliseconds) used by the second....fourth processing unit. This value is zero if there is no processing unit with this number on the system. PD (9,0)
SYCP5....32 Total processing time (in milliseconds) used by the fifth....thirty-second processing unit. This value is zero if there is no processing unit with this number on the system. PD (9,0)
SYHEAO Number of tolerated crossings of a 16 MB boundary within any teraspace. Also called teraspace EAO exceptions. PD (11,0)
SYHFTS Number of space address computations (not addressing teraspace) that required extra processing. This may occur when a subtraction or addition of a signed value causes a result that is within the first page of a space object or associated space for which the machine did not choose alignment. Also called false traps. PD (11,0)
SYHFTH Number of teraspace address computations that required extra processing. This occurs when a subtraction or addition of a signed value causes a result that is within the first page after any 16 MB boundary in teraspace. Also called false traps. PD (11,0)
SYIFUS Interactive CPU time. Total interactive CPU used (in milliseconds). PD (9,0)
SYIFTE Interactive CPU time over threshold. Interactive CPU used (in milliseconds) when exceeding interactive CPU threshold. PD (9,0)
SYSDBC Database CPU time. Total CPU time (in milliseconds) used for database processing. PD (9,0)
SYSSWC Secondary Workload CPU time. Total CPU time (in milliseconds) of all jobs that perform workloads that cannot fully exploit dedicated server resources. PD (9,0)
SYLPTB LPAR time base. This field provides a way to determine the difference between the system clocks on different partitions of a single system. This field has no meaning when looked at on a stand-alone basis. However, when this value is established on two (or more) partitions of a system, the difference between these values is the time difference (in seconds) between the two partitions. PD (11,0)
SYNUAL Noncached user authority lookups. The number of times that a noncached user authority lookup was performed. An authority check for one object can result in zero, one, or more than one user authority lookups. A user authority lookup can occur for the user, the user's groups, or an adopted user and can be cached or noncached. PD (15,0)
SYIFTA Interactive CPU time available. The amount of interactive CPU time that was available for use within the partition. This is the interactive capacity configured for use within the partition (also represented as interactive threshold). PD (11,0)
SYSPTU CPU time used. Total processing time (in milliseconds) used by the partition PD (11,0)
SYSCTA Configured CPU time available. Total processing time (in milliseconds) that was configured or guaranteed to be available for this partition. This is the system processing capacity as determined by processor unit allocations during the interval.

For uncapped partitions, the actual CPU used can exceed this value.

PD (11,0)
SYSUTA Uncapped CPU time available. Total processing time (in milliseconds) that was available for use by this partition (adjusted for configuration changes over time). It includes both the guaranteed configured capacity as well as the shared pool time that was not used by other partitions. For capped and dedicated partitions, or if shared pool data is not available, this is the same as Uncapped CPU time configured (SYSUTC). PD (11,0)
SYSUTC Uncapped CPU time configured. The maximum amount of CPU time that this partition is configured (allowed) to use within the shared pool (adjusted for configuration changes over time). This field defines the minimum of the virtual processors configured and the configured shared pool processors. For capped and dedicated partitions, this is the same as configured CPU time available (SYSCTA). PD (11,0)
SYSPLU Shared pool CPU time used. Total amount of CPU used within the shared pool by all partitions that share the pool. Set to zero if a shared pool is not used or the data is not available. PD (11,0)
SYSPLA Shared pool CPU time available. Total amount of CPU available within the shared pool. This value is determined based on the number of physical processors that are allocated to the pool. Set to zero if a shared pool is not used or the data is not available. PD (11,0)
SYVCPU Virtual processor time configured. The processing capacity (in milliseconds) visible to the operating system based on the number of virtual processors configured and adjusted for configuration changes over time. This field is similar to SYSUTC except it is not affected by the shared pool configuration or the capped/uncapped state of the partition. The formula SYVCPU/INTSEC will yield the average number of virtual processors configured in the interval. PD (11,0)
SYDPCH Total Dispatch Time. The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the operating system has dispatched a job, task or thread to a processor. This is not the same as CPU time used due to the effects of processor virtualization. PD (11,0)
SYSHRF Shared processor flag. Indicates if the partition uses shared processors:

  • 0 = Partition does not share physical processors.

  • 1 = Partition shares physical processors.
C (1)
SCBGN Reserved. Z (3,0)
SYSIUL Reserved. PD (5,0)
SYSCIU Reserved. PD (7,0)
Related reference
Performance data files: Collection Services system category and file relationships Performance data files: File abbreviations