Performance data files: QAPMLPAR


This database file contains logical partition performance data that is collected if IBM® Director Server is installed (and the server job is running) on the partition that is running Collection Services and the *LPAR category is selected.

IBM Director Agent must be installed on the other partitions for data to be collected from them. There is one record per logical partition per collection interval.

Disk data is reported for all partitions.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time this data was requested by the local Collection Services job. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample as measured at the agent. This value might span multiple intervals if the agent reactivated after being inactive for a while. PD (7,0)
DTECEN Century digit. 0 indicates 19xx, and 1 indicates 20xx. C (1)
LPPID Partition identifier. This is the binary value that is consistent with the partition number in the QAPMCONF file with GKEY of PN. B (4,0)
LPCPUU CPU nanoseconds used. The number of processor nanoseconds that are used in this interval by all processors in this partition. B (18,0)
LPCPUA CPU nanoseconds available. The number of processor nanoseconds that are available in this interval for all processors in this partition. If this field is not supported by the operating system, it is 0. B (18,0)
LPVPRC Virtual processors. The number of virtual processors currently configured for this partition. B (4,0)
LPPUN Processor units. The partition capacity that is represented as the number of processor units currently allocated to this partition. PD (5,2)
LPDTTM Partition date and time. The local date and time for the partition in the YYYYMMDDhhmmss format. C (14)
LPUTCO UTC offset. The Universal Coordinated Time offset in minutes for the partition. B (4,0)
LPCLKO Clock offset. This field provides a way to determine the difference between the system clocks on different partitions of a single system. This field has no meaning when looked at on a stand-alone basis. However, when this value is established on two (or more) partitions of a system, the difference between these values is the time difference (in seconds) between the two partitions. If this field is not supported by the operating system, it is 0. B (18,0)
LPOSID Operating system identifier. The operating system that is currently running in the partition. 100 = i5/OS®, 200 = AIX®, and 300 = Linux®. B (4,0)
LPVRM Operating system version. This field is displayed in the format defined by the operating system. For example, i5/OS version 5 release 4 modification 0 is represented as V5R4M0. C (11)
LPDDTM Date and time the disk data was collected. The local date and time for the partition in the YYYYMMDDhhmmss format. C (14)
LPCAP Total disk capacity in bytes of all selected disks. B (18)
LPAVL Total disk capacity available of all selected disks. B (18)
LPBSY Disk busy time in microseconds of all selected disks. B (18)
LPRSP Disk response time in microseconds of all selected disks. B (18)
LPRDS Disk read commands. B (18)
LPWRTS Disk write commands. B (18)
LPDISK Number of selected disks. B (4)
LPMEM Total memory in system in bytes. B (18)
Related reference
Performance data files: Collection Services system category and file relationships Performance data files: File abbreviations