Performance data files: QAPMJOBWTD


This database file contains a description of the counter sets found in file QAPMJOBWT.

One record will be written for each active counter set when the first instance of wait data is encountered (normally at the beginning of the collection). Multiple instances of this data are possible during service activities.

Field Name Description Attribute
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval providing these descriptions. Normally this is the first interval in the *MGTCOL object. C (12)
DTECEN Century digit: where 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates 20XX. C (1)
JWDSEQ Description sequence number: This provides a unique identifier for a set of descriptions. This value is used in file QAPMJOBWT field JWDSEQ to associate counter data with a set of descriptions. Each time updated descriptions are written to this file, this field will contain a new value for that set of descriptions. B (4,0)
JWTNUM Total number of wait counter sets reported. B (4,0)
JWSNBR Counter set number described by this record. B (4,0)
JWDESC Description of the type of data reported in the JWCTnn and JWTMnn fields.

This field is in Unicode.

G (50)
Related reference
Performance data files: Collection Services system category and file relationships Performance data files: File abbreviations