Performance data files: QAPMIOPD


This database file lists the fields in the IOP extended data file.

Data is reported for the Network Server (*IPCS category) and I/O adapters (*IOPBASE category). Network server data includes Integrated xSeries® Server data and virtual I/O data. Virtual I/O data consists of one record for each virtual device in use. If Network Server is associated with a Network Server Host Adapter, virtual device might have more than one record reported per interval--one record for each Network Server Host Adapter, used by this virtual device. If concurrent maintenance is done (adding or removing hardware under an IOP), the user should cycle the collector to insure that I/O adapter data is reported correctly.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): the date and time of the sample interval. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: the number of seconds since the last sample interval. For operating system data (data type 2), this value might not be the same as the change in the interval date and time (DTETIM) for the interval because the elapsed interval time comes directly from the Integrated xSeries Server . PD (7,0)
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
XIIOP Reserved C (1)
XITYPE The type of IOP represented by this record. C (4)
XIDTYP Data type:

  • 1 -- Reserved

  • 2 -- OS/2® or other operating system (*IPCS category)

  • 3 -- HPF386 (*IPCS category)

  • 4 -- LAN Server (*IPCS category)

  • 5 -- Virtual I/O (*IPCS category)

  • A -- I/O adapter (*IOPBASE category)
C (1)
XIDTA1 Data field 1 C (2)
XIDTA2 Data field 2 C (12)
XICT01 Counter 1 PD (11)
XICT02 Counter 2 PD (11)
XICT03 Counter 3 PD (11)
XICT04 Counter 4 PD (11)
XICT05 Counter 5 PD (11)
XICT06 Counter 6 PD (11)
XICT07 Counter 7 PD (11)
XICT08 Counter 8 PD (11)
XICT09 Counter 9 PD (11)
XICT10 Counter 10 PD (11)
XICT11 Counter 11 PD (11)
XICT12 Counter 12 PD (11)
XICT13 Counter 13 PD (11)
XICT14 Counter 14 PD (11)
XICT15 Counter 15 PD (11)
XICT16 Counter 16 PD (11)
XICT17 Counter 17 PD (11)
XICT18 Counter 18 PD (11)
XICT19 Counter 19 PD (11)
XICT20 Counter 20 PD (11)
XICT21 Counter 21 PD (11)
XICT22 Counter 22 PD (11)
XICT23 Counter 23 PD (11)
XICT24 Counter 24 PD (11)
XICT25 Counter 25 PD (11)
XICT26 Counter 26 PD (11)
XICT27 Counter 27 PD (11)
XICT28 Counter 28 PD (11)
XICT29 Counter 29 PD (11)
XICT30 Counter 30 PD (11)
XICT31 Counter 31 PD (11)
XICT32 Counter 32 PD (11)
XICT33 Counter 33 PD (11)
XICT34 Counter 34 PD (11)
XICT35 Counter 35 PD (11)
XICT36 Counter 36 PD (11)
XICT37 Counter 37 PD (11)
XICT38 Counter 38 PD (11)
XICT39 Counter 39 PD (11)
XICT40 Counter 40 PD (11)
XICT41 Counter 41 PD (11)
XICT42 Counter 42 PD (11)
XICT43 Counter 43 PD (11)
XICT44 Counter 44 PD (11)
XICT45 Counter 45 PD (11)
XICT46 Counter 46 PD (11)
XICT47 Counter 47 PD (11)
XICT48 Counter 48 PD (11)
XICT49 Counter 49 PD (11)
XICT50 Counter 50 PD (11)
XIADRN Adapter resource name: If the resource reported is an adapter, then this field will contain the resource name of that adapter. If the resource reported is an IOP, then this field will contain the resource name of that IOP. C (10)
XINWSD Network server description name (blanks are reported if a network server description (NWSD) name is not applicable). C (10)
XINWSH Network server host adapter name (blanks are reported if a network server host adapter (NWSH) name is not applicable. C (10)

The following chart shows the types of counters used.

D (Delta counter): Number of occurrences in the interval (what most performance counters are).

S (State counter): The value at the time of collection or the maximum value during the interval.

XIDTYP = '1' (Reserved)
XIDTYP = '2' (OS/2 or other operating system)
Counter Description
(CTO1) D CPU time (milliseconds). This value is normalized to the range of a single processor for adapters that have multiple processors.
(CTO2) D Number of times threads rescheduled
(CTO3) D Number of interrupts
(CTO4) D CPU time servicing interrupts (milliseconds)
(CTO5) D Number of page faults
(CTO6) D Number of pages swapped in
(CTO7) D Number of pages demand-loaded
(CTO8) D Number of pages swapped out
(CTO9) D Number of pages discarded
(CT10) D Number of idle pages recovered
(CT11) D Number of pages idled
(CT12) D Number of idle pages reassigned
(CT13) S Number of elements in free queue
(CT14) S Length of time elements in free queue (milliseconds)
(CT15) S Number of elements in used queue
(CT16) S Length of time elements in used queue (milliseconds)
XIDTYP = '3' (HPFS386)
XIDTYP = '4' (LAN server)
Record types 3 (HPFS386) and 4 (LAN server) refer to functions that are no longer supported. To view information for record types 3 and 4, see the V5R1 Work Management manual (SC41-5306-03) on the V5R1 Supplemental Manuals Web site.
XIDTYP = '5' (Virtual I/O)
Counter Description
(DTA1) S Type of a virtual device:

  • ' 1' = Adapter

  • ' 2' = Disk

  • ' 3' = Optical

  • ' 4' = Tape
(DTA2) S

  • Characters 1-10: Virtual device name.

    For tape and optical devices this is the device resource name. For disk devices, this is the name of the network server storage space.

  • Characters 11-12: Reserved (blank).
(CTO1) D Read operations
(CTO2) D Write operations
(CTO3) D Other operations
(CTO4) D Operations resulting in an error
(CTO5) D Kilobytes read from virtual device
(CTO6) D Kilobytes written to virtual device
(CTO7) S Reserved
(CTO8) S Reserved
XIDTYP = 'A'(I/0 adapter data)
(DTA1) S: Reserved (blank)
(DTA2) S:

  • Characters 1-4: I/O adapter type

  • Characters 5-7: I/O adapter model

  • Characters 8-12: Reserved (blank)
(CT01) D: Adapter time: Total processing time used by adapter tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. Adapter tasks support the adapter and its attached hardware. For some old IOPs such as the 6112, adapter times are not reported.