Performance data files: QAPMHTTPD


This database file contains detail data collected by the HTTP Server (powered by Apache) category.

This file contains data that is repeated for different request types which are processed by the server. One record will be written to this file for each configured request type in each active server instance each interval.

Request types are reported as long as they are configured for the server regardless of whether any data was processed by them.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample interval. PD (7,0)
DTECEN Century digit: where 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates 20XX. C (1)
HTJNAM Server job name (server name): This and next two server job fields identify the child job for the server. C (10)
HTJUSR Server job user. C (10)
HTJNBR Server job number. C (6)
HTRTYP Request type: This identifies the type of request being reported by this record. Typical values are:

  • SR - Requests handled internally by server

  • SL - Requests of all types received via SSL (SSL is not actually a request type. This record reports activity that occurred over an SSL connection even though that activity is also reported with other applicable request types.)

  • PX - Proxy requests

  • CG - CGI requests

  • WS - WebSphere® requests

  • JV - IBM® Java™ Servlet Engine requests

  • UM - Requests handled by user modules

  • FS - Static requests handled by FRCA (Fast Response Cache Accelerator)

  • FX - Requests proxied by FRCA
C (2)
HTRQSR Requests received. B (18,0)
HTRQSS Responses sent. B (18,0)
HTBRQS Error responses sent. B (18,0)
HTNOCR Non-cached requests processed.

Cache is not used and therefore this field is reserved for the following request types: SL, CG, WS, JV, and UM.

B (18,0)
HTBRCV Bytes received. B (18,0)
HTBSND Bytes sent. B (18,0)
HTNRTM Processing time for non-cached requests in milliseconds. B (9,0)
HTCRTM Processing time for cached requests in milliseconds.

cache is not used and therefore this field is reserved for the following request types: SL, CG, WS, JV, and UM.

B (9,0)