Planning for performance


Setting performance objectives for your server allows you to have measurable performance benchmarks to compare your performance data. This topic explains how to set those benchmarks and how to use them later.

Planning your system's performance requires you to set performance objectives, create benchmarks based on those objectives, and plan for your system's growth. This section guides you through the necessary steps in planning your system's performance.

When planning your system's performance, you will need to fully understand the business requirements your system is addressing and be able to translate those business needs into performance objectives. Keep in mind that as the business needs evolve, the performance objectives must also evolve.

Perhaps the best way to start is to estimate the maximum hourly and daily interactive transaction throughput required of your computer system during your peak business periods. After that, you can decide what average response time is acceptable to your local and remote workstations. You should think about how long your regular batch processes take, and how to schedule them so that they complete in time to achieve your business requirements.

You can then establish a base set of statistics, which should then be documented in a performance objective plan containing:

To plan for performance, complete the following tasks:


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