Working with remote servers


In some sites, a host server in a network sends the required performance data to IBM® for processing.

When you use a host server network, you have the other servers in the network send their performance data to this host server for transmission to IBM. To set up your network to use a host server, identify the other remote servers and set the schedule for their data transmission. The Work with Remote iSeries™ Systems display enables you to define these other servers.


  1. You do not have to use this display if you are setting up your network as a remote server or as a single server. You perform this task only if PM iSeries gathers data and transmits data over SNA.

  2. If you have a network of systems, it is recommended that you use the inventory function of iSeries Navigator to gather your data and then transmit the data for those systems over the Universal Connection.

Follow these steps to define your remote servers:

  1. Type GO PM400 from the command line.

  2. Type a 5 (Work with remote iSeries systems) from the PM eServer™ iSeries Menu and press Enter. You do not see a remote server displayed initially. You must create a new remote location.

  3. Create a new remote location by pressing F6 (Create).

  4. Record the values for the following information. Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to display these values from the remote system.

    • Local network ID

    • Default local location

    The Work with Remote iSeries Systems display shows a list of remote servers. This list includes the status for the servers (active or inactive) and the descriptions for each server.

  5. Create or change the description for a remote site server by using the PM eServer iSeries Remote Site Maintenance display or the Change Remote Site iSeries display. The remote location name must be unique between remote servers.

PM iSeries automatically schedules the transmission of data from the primary server to IBM the day after data is received from a remote server. If the automatic scheduling does not fit your work management scheme, you can manually schedule the transmission of the data from the primary server. To manually schedule the transmission of data, see the PM iSeries scheduler.

The PM iSeries software assumes that you defined the Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking® (APPN) link between the server that receives data (the host server) and the server that sends data (the remote server). If your system has the system value QCRTAUT (Create default public authority) set to *EXCLUDE or *USE, you should see Create a device description for a remote server for information on how to define your controller descriptions. If your network does not meet these assumptions, see Non-APPN network considerations for information about creating device pairs to support the connection to each remote server.

Once you have defined your remote servers, you are ready to customize PM iSeries to use a specific line connection.


Parent topic:

Determining which PM iSeries transmission method to use
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Scheduling jobs with PM iSeries Creating a device description for PM iSeries Working with remote servers in a non-APPN network Customizing PM iSeries