Graph history concepts


Contains a description of the available options for managing and displaying records of performance data.

Graph history displays data contained in the collection objects created by Collection Services. Therefore, the type and amount of data available is dependent on your Collection Services configuration.

The amount of data that is available to be graphed is determined by the settings that you selected from the Collection Services properties, specifically the collection retention period. Use iSeries™ Navigator to activate PM iSeries over multiple systems. When you activate PM iSeries, you can use the graph history function to see data that was collected days ago, weeks ago, or months ago. You go beyond the realtime monitor capabilities, and have access to summary or detailed data. Without PM iSeries enabled, the graph data field supports 1 to 7 days. With PM iSeries enabled, you define how long your management collection objects remain on the system:


Parent topic:

Viewing monitor results