5250 online transaction processing (OLTP)


This topic describes 5250 online transaction processing and what jobs or threads are associated with this work.

Online transaction processing (OLTP) refers to a type of interactive application in which requests submitted by users are processed as soon as they are received. The following are examples of OLTP processing:

iSeries Access jobs use both interactive and batch, depending on the function. Before V5R3, these jobs were included in the CA4 category and listed as interactive. The distributed data management (DDM) server jobs were also listed as interactive.

In V5R3, the Performance Tools licensed program was updated to better distribute the workloads, depending on which processor capacity feature that the CPU cycles were charged against. The interactive CPU reporting refers to those jobs whose CPU is allocated to the 5250 OLTP processor capacity. The iSeries Access jobs are listed in the appropriate sections of the Performance Tools reports. In addition, the DDM jobs moved from the Interactive workload section of the reports to the Non-interactive workload section.


Parent topic:

Performance Tools concepts