id="rzahqnampi">Determine the device description and hardware resource names for iSeries devices

When you refer to iSeries™ devices on i5/OS™, you need to use their device description name. When you refer to those devices from an integrated Windows server, you need to use their hardware resource name. If the names are different and you use the wrong name, you get the wrong device.

To determine the hardware resource name and see whether it is the same as the device description name, follow these steps:

  1. On the i5/OS command line, type DSPDEVD device_description_name and press Enter.

  2. The Resource name field has the hardware resource name for this device. Check to see if it has the same name as the Device description field. If the names are different, remember to use the appropriate name depending on whether you are working from the integrated Windows server or from i5/OS.

    Some tape devices report in under more than one device description. Tape libraries (3590, 3570, and so forth) report in as devices (TAPxx) as well as tape libraries (TAPMLBxx), where xx is a number. IBM® Integrated Server Support does not support tape libraries. Therefore, if your device has a tape library description, both the tape device and tape library device must be in a varied off state before locking the device on the Windows server.