id="rzahqhotsparebetw">Hot spare between server hardware

iSeries™ and xSeries® integration and storage virtualization provide options that can enable you to enhance the reliability and recoverability of your Windows server environment. If a Windows server fails, you can quickly and easily switch the server's storage spaces to another hot spare xSeries server without restarting your iSeries server. This may reduce the total number of Intel® servers needed to provide increased availability. It also adds flexibility by enabling one spare server to be used to protect multiple production servers.

For iSCSI attached servers, the iSCSI local host adapters can also take advantage of hot spare support. See Hot spare between iSCSI local host adapters.

The procedures for hot sparing an integrated server's hardware are shown below.

Using iSeries Navigator:

  1. Expand Integrated Server Administration.

  2. Select Servers.

  3. If the server for which you want to swap hardware is not already shut down:

    • Right-click the server and select Shut Down.

    • Click Shut Down on the confirmation panel.

  4. Change the server configuration to point to the hot spare server hardware.

    1. Right-click the server and select Properties.

    2. Select the System tab and change one of the following:

      • For non-iSCSI servers, select the new Resource name and type.

      • For iSCSI servers select the new Remote system configuration name.
    Click OK.

  5. To start the integrated server, right-click the server and select Start.

Using the character-based interface:

  1. If the server for which you want to swap hardware is not already varied off, use the Vary Configuration (VRYCFG) command to vary it off.

  2. To change the server configuration to point to the hot spare server hardware, use the Change Network Server Desc (CHGNWSD) command to change one of the following:

    • For non-iSCSI servers, change the value for the Resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter to specify the new IXS or IXA hardware resource name.

    • For iSCSI servers, change the value for the Remote system name element of the Network server configuration (NWSCFG) parameter to specify the new remote system network server configuration object name.

  3. To start the integrated server, use the Vary Configuration (VRYCFG) command.