Types of user configurations

It is helpful to think of integrated Windows users as fitting into three basic types:

User type
Table 1. Types of user configurations
Function provided User profile definition

  • Both i5/OS and Windows fully functional.

  • Easy to configure.

  • Password is changed from i5/OS.

  • i5/OS and Windows user ID and passwords will be identical.

  • Recommended for system administrators, users who frequently use i5/OS, or for systems which use i5/OS for back up and restoration of user profiles.
LCLPWDMGT(*YES) and no EIM Windows source associations defined.
Windows password-managed user

  • Password can be changed from Windows.

  • Simple configuration.

  • Windows password administration makes this configuration more secure because the i5/OS password is *NONE.

  • i5/OS sign-on requires an authentication method such as iSeries™ Navigator provides with their support of i5/OS sign-on using Kerberos.
Windows user with Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM) associations auto configured Automatic creation of Windows source associations makes it easier to set up and configure to use Kerberos enabled applications. For example: EIMASSOC(*CHG *TARGET *ADD *CRTEIMID)
Windows user with Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM) associations manually configured Allows the user to define EIM associations for enrolled i5/OS user profiles to be different user profiles in Windows. Use iSeries Navigator to manually define EIM i5/OS target associations and Windows source associations.