Administering subsystems for iSeries NetServer


You can administer the subsystems in which user jobs are run. For example, you can create separate subsystems for users or groups of iSeries™ NetServer™ users, add prestart jobs to subsystem descriptions, and specify the subsystems.

The QSERVER subsystem is still included with the same default prestart job entries. If a client attempts to use a subsystem that does not have prestart job entries defined, the system then runs in the QSERVER subsystem using batch-immediate jobs. If this occurs, the jobs maintain the same name, but might have a job type of BCI (batch-immediate) instead of PJ (pre-start) when viewed on the Work With Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) display.

System performance

The End TCP/IP Server (ENDTCPSVR) command and the End Server (QZLSENDS) API also take a longer time to complete when ending iSeries NetServer. These commands take more time to process because all of the jobs associated with the server must be ended when the daemon job is ended.

The connection time might also be slightly longer when batch-immediate jobs are used.

Adding prestart jobs to a subsystem description

When you configure clients to run jobs in a different subsystem other than QSERVER, also add the necessary prestart jobs to the subsystem description. For example, to add prestart jobs for QZLSFILE in another subsystem, use the following command string (inserting your own subsystem name): ADDPJE SBSD(SubsystemName) PGM(QSYS/QZLSFILE) USER(QUSER) STRJOBS(*YES) INLJOBS(1) THRESHOLD(1) ADLJOBS(5) JOB(*PGM) JOBD(QSYS/QZLSPJ) MAXUSE(200) WAIT(*YES) POOLID(1) CLS(QSYS/QPWFSERVER *CALC *NONE *CALC). Adding prestart jobs for QZLSFILET is very similar. Substitute QZLSFILE with QZLSFILET in the above command string and change the following parameters: ADLJOBS(0), JOBD(QSYS/QZLSPJ), and MAXUSE(1).

This command starts 1 prestart job in the subsystem that you configured. This job is used when a new connection is established to iSeries NetServer. For QZLSFILE, when the number of prestart jobs drops below 1, five more prestart jobs are started in order to be used by future connections. For QZLSFILET, there is only one job running in a subsystem.

Specifying subsystems

To specify the subsystems that iSeries NetServer server jobs run in, follow these steps:

  1. From iSeries Navigator, expand Network > Servers.

  2. Click TCP/IP.

  3. Right-click iSeries NetServer and select Properties.

  4. Click the Subsystems tab.

  5. Specify the subsystem settings that you want to use.

  6. Use the Help button to find information on individual fields.

  7. Click OK when you are finished.


Parent topic:

Administering iSeries NetServer

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