Configuring iSeries NetServer with the address of the network WINS server


Using iSeries™ Navigator, you can configure iSeries NetServer™ with the address of the network Windows® Internet Naming Service (WINS) server.

WINS allows PC clients to connect to and access iSeries NetServer shared resources.

To configure iSeries NetServer with the address of the network WINS server, follow these steps:

  1. Open a connection to iSeries Navigator on your system.

  2. Expand Network > Servers.

  3. Click TCP/IP.

  4. Right-click iSeries NetServer and select Properties.

  5. Select the WINS Configuration tab.

  6. Click Next start.

  7. In the Primary WINS server field, enter the IP address of the network WINS server. iSeries NetServer uses this WINS server for client connections the next time you start iSeries NetServer.

  8. In the Secondary WINS server field, enter the IP address of the secondary network WINS server. iSeries NetServer uses this secondary WINS server for client connections the next time you start iSeries NetServer.

  9. In the Scope ID field, enter a text string to serve as the network scope for the WINS server. The WINS server uses this scope ID the next time you start iSeries NetServer.

    You must configure any PC clients that use iSeries NetServer with the same scope ID that you specify here. WINS also functions properly if you leave this entry for scope ID blank on both iSeries NetServer and any clients.

  10. Specify whether you want to enable or disable the iSeries NetServer to act as a WINS proxy.

  11. Click OK to save your changes.


Parent topic:

iSeries NetServer and Windows Internet Naming Service management