Backup and recovery of configuration and share information


iSeries™ NetServer™ uses files in the integrated file system to store configuration values and share entries. You should back up these files every time you save the entire i5/OS® operating system and each time you change the administration of iSeries NetServer.

In addition, plan the frequency of your save operations carefully to ensure that you always have a usable backup available if your system should fail.

This is the location of the iSeries NetServer configuration and share data files on the system: /QIBM/UserData/OS400/NetServer.

The following specific files are needed:

The following directory should be backed up if iSeries NetServer is configured as a logon server: /QIBM/UserData/OS400/NetServer/NetLogon.

For further information about these commands and other useful save and restore options, see Backup and Recovery (about 8028KB).


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iSeries NetServer