APPN virtual controllers and communications performance

An APPN virtual controller is a controller description that Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking® (APPN) can use, and that high-performance routing (HPR) support uses. It can be used to attach and manage advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) device descriptions. This type of controller does not represent a connection to a remote system. On iSeries™, local applications that need to establish LU 6.2 sessions to other locations in the APPN network require an APPC device description that specifies APPN(*YES). For simplicity, these devices are referred to as APPN devices.

The Allow APPN virtual support (ALWVRTAPPN) parameter is on the Change Network Attributes (CHGNETA) command. If the ALWVRTAPPN parameter is *YES, any existing APPN devices that are attached to the real APPN controller description will not be allowed to vary on. Message CPDB157 will be issued. If migrating to this new APPN object model, you may want to delete any existing APPN devices because they will no longer be used. You may also want to delete the devices if you have no intention of resetting the ALWVRTAPPN parameter to *NO.

APPN virtual controllers provide the following:

For more information about getting optimal performance from your network, see the page Designing an APPN and HPR network.