Considerations for changing a primary language


This information describes the requirements for changing your i5/OS® primary language.

You can change the primary language of your system in these two ways:

You cannot change your primary language to a language you currently have installed as a secondary language on your system. You must delete the secondary language before you can change it to your primary language. Use Option 22 from the Work with Licensed Programs menu to delete a secondary language.

If you perform the tasks in Changing the primary language of your system or logical partition, the release and modification of your system must be the same as the release and modification of your secondary language media. You need both the media that contains i5/OS (B29xx_01) and the media that contains the secondary language (N29xx).

When changing your primary language from a single-byte character set (SBCS) to a double-byte character set (DBCS) or from a DBCS to SBCS, refer to the topic i5/OS globalization in the i5/OS Information Center. If you change the character set of your primary language as part of a release upgrade, your installation time could be longer.

Make sure that you configure your console device to support the default code page of the primary language you are going to install. If you plan on using 5250 emulation on the Hardware Management Console, not all languages are supported. Change the console device to one that supports the code page of the new primary language before you install a new release.


Parent topic:

Globalization and i5/OS software installation