Installation notes about the i5/OS release
This information describes miscellaneous requirements or changes to the i5/OS® release.
The system must be in a restricted state to install the QGPL and QUSRSYS libraries, and to install Option 12 (Host Servers).
5722-SS1, i5/OS Option 1 This option installs automatically when you install the new release of the operating system. You cannot delete this option.
5722-SS1, i5/OS Option 3 This option installs automatically when you install the new release of the operating system. This option contains IFS directories. You cannot delete this option.
IBM® Cryptographic Access Provider 128-bit for iSeries™, 5722-AC3, has been removed. The function from this licensed program is now included in IBM Network Authentication Enablement for i5/OS (5722-NAE), and in several i5/OS (5722-SS1) options.
IBM iSeries Integration for Windows® Server, 5722-WSV, is now part of the operating system as option 29, IBM i5/OS Integration for Windows Server.
To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to Users in the information center. For more information on products or features that might not be supported in future releases of the operating system or on future models, on Product Previews, and on Statements of Directions, see System i™ Support Planning
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i5/OS software reference