Performing a manual main storage dump on a logical partition
To perform a manual main storage dump on a logical partition, follow this procedure.
Only perform a secondary partition main storage dump (MSD) if you are under the direction of software support.
To place the data from the system's main storage to the load-source disk, perform the following steps:
- On the logical partition or on the primary partition, start Dedicated Service Tools (DST).
- Select option 11 (Work with system partitions).
- Select option 2 (Work with partition status).
- Select the logical partition on which you want to perform the MSD. Initiating a MSD against the primary partition is equivalent to initiating a MSD from the control panel.
- Is the partition in Manual mode?
- Yes: Continue to the next step.
- No: Select option 10 (Mode manual).
- Select option 22 (Force Main Storage Dump).
- Select option 10 to confirm. Wait for the dump to complete. When the dump is complete, the Main Storage Dump Occurred display is shown on the selected logical partition.
- The appearance of an A1D0 300x or A6Dx 3000 SRC on the Main Storage Dump Occurred display indicates a successful manual MSD.
- Go to Reporting a main storage dump.
Parent topic:
Performing a main storage dump